Scarlett Family Rockaway History

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Attached is a pix of my Dads high school class in front of the old Far Rockaway HS. I think his class was 1915 but I am not sure. I will do some digging and see if I can find the year. My dad is in the rear row, 2nd person in from left. He was the dapper guy with the white tie. I have pix from his service in WWI and he appears to have been a dapper dresser.

Also attached is  pic of the PS 42 graduating class of 1941. This class was my wife's aunt, she third from the left in the fourth row. She was Ann McQueen. there is an enlargement of her attached also.

My Dad was James W. Scarlett.   His Dad was the custodian who had the 1939 Dolphin dedicated to him after he announced his retirement after many years of dedicated service to FRHS.   My dad also worked at the High School in 1929-1931 during the depression. My dad had been Secratery(general manager) of Far Rocakawy Savings bank and had a good reputation as an effective banker. He guit Rockaway Saving just befor the depression and hit and went to work in a NY City bank. When the crash hit he and thousands of other bankers were out of work. So my grand dad took him on tending the boilers in the School..

I'll dig out the dates for you.  Take care

Jim Scarlett    Email Address:




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