Thanks to Mindy Wetzler Bell
For These Great Photos

In light of the upcoming 1972 reunion scheduled for Aug 11th, I thought it would be fun to share these photos from the 1972 reunion that took place in 1997. Even though I graduated in 1974, most of my friends graduated 1973 and 1972........hoping to see many of them in August! Please remind everyone that even though it's slated as a 1972 reunion.....all are invited - so I was told!

Thanks for keeping up the great website!

Mindy Wetzler (Bell)  Email Address:

If you have any photos to share, send them to


Class of 1972 - 25th Year Reunion Take in 1997

The first grade photo is from 1963, class 1-1. Our teacher was Mrs. Wolf - but she was absent the day of the photo, so the substitute Mrs. Moskowitz
took the photo with us!  I have the first names of the kids:
Top row from left to right: Dean, Daniel, Linda, Mark, Susan, Andrew, Mindy, Gary, Daryl and Alan.
Middle row from left to right: Debra, Robert, Sandra, Steven, Susan, Scott, Amy, Martin, Robin, Bryan and Alana.
Bottom row from left to right: Janice, Joel, Lynn, Michael, Teri, Ira, Lisa, Keith and Laura.

The second grade photo is from 1964, class 2-2. Our teacher was Mrs. Seiden. I didn't write everyone's names, so here are some of them:
Top row from left to right: Kenneth, Gary, Mindy, ____, ____, Robert, Wendy, Scott (?), Jessie, Randy.
Middle row from left to right: Eric, Susan, Amy, Nancy, Eileen, Elizabeth, Robin, ____, _____, ______.
Bottom row from left to right: Lisa, Paul, ____, Ira, Susan, Steven, Tamar, ____, Lynn, and Keith.

The third grade photo is from 1965, class 3-1. Our teacher was Mrs. Corb.
Top row from left to right: Jody, Amy, Kerry, Barbara, Nancy, Arlene, Elizabeth, Eileen, Michele, Nancy, Valire.
Middle row from left to right: Scott, Gary, Mitchell, Barry, Steven, Scott, Michael, Phillip.
Bottom row from left to right: Susan, Steven, Wendy, Eric, Susan, Jeffrey, Mindy, Paul, Tamar.
Sitting on floor: left to right: Kenny and Mark.

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