Thanks To Jody Horn-Leshinsky
Class of 1975 For These Wonderful
Timeless Photos

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Left to right -- Cindy Keltz (74), Rochelle Harrary
(74), Barbara Tepper (73), Danny Staroff (74)

George Britton (74), Bobby Agurrie  (74) and Alan Rich (74)
with Jody Horne (75) peeking through the middle

"Lend an Ear" Hartman Y Players 1972 
Lauren Suskin (74), Cindy Keltz (74) , 
Betsy Leonard (not sure)  

Monte Sherman (73) and Marc Aronson (73) as camp counselors at the Hartman Y in 1972.  

Barbara Tepper (73), Alan Rich (74) Sarina Ergas (74), 
Seth Krakaur (74), Heidi Rosenbaum (74), Susan Stein (74) and Bobby Hendrickson (73) is hiding in the back.  1972

Back row -- left to right -- Cindy Keltz (74), Victor Agurrie (73), Heidi Rosenbaum (74), Front Row -- left to right -- Sarina Ergas (74) and Rochelle Harrary (74)

Winston Cornwall (73), Seth Krakaur (73), Joel Leshinsky (73), Ross Kramberg (73) and Gary Gliboff (72) at their 15th Year FRHS Reunion in 1987.


Winston Cornwall (73) as Spiro Agnew, Seth Krakaur (73) as Richard Nixon and Alan Beckoff (74) (not shown) 
as Archie Bunker.  "All in the Family" parody


Laura Nydell (74) and Pam Neer (74) as camp counselors at the Hartman Y 
in 1972

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Left to right -- Cindy Keltz (74), George Britton (73), 
Lauren Suskin (74), Sarina Ergas (74) 
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