We need your help! Carol Marston, Class of 1956, sent close to 2,000 letters to all of the graduates listed in our "on line" Rockaway data base. The following is a list of addresses which showed up as "undeliverable" and the mail was returned. We would appreciate your assistance by having you check the list below to see if your name appears on it or you recognize someone on it. If you do, please send your corrected e-mail address to: lebaroness2@cox.net
Since the original posting of this notice, several valid e-mail addresses have been sent in and we have updated the list. Please check to see if your name is on this list. If it is or you know someone whose name appears below, please send a corrected e-mail address so we can list you.
Thanks again for your assistance and support of our efforts to keep this information current.
Adelman, Harold 1960 hadelman@com1med.usf.edu
Auslander, Wendy (Weingarten) 1970 stevec357@aol.com
Berger, Bruce 1960 bergerb2@netcom.com
Berger, Richard 1963 jakeb@icanect.net
Bergman, Holly (Dick) 1963 jhb816@aol.com
Bergman, Jeffrey 1961 jhb816@aol.com
Berrick, Jan 1969 janb@bcn.net
Bey, Beth (Berk) 1976 turk58bbms@aol.com
Bey, Brian 1976 turk58bbms@aol.com
Bliksylber, Rachel (Dressler) 1972 cldabd@aol.com
Bloom, Bette (Fisher-Kohen) 1951 herbside@ix.netcom.com
Boockvar, Billy 1960 billyandginger@msn.com
Brenner, Anne (Levy) 1970 aab114@aol.com
Broder, Eileen (Sackman) 1972 Agent514@aol.com
Chou, Andrew 1982 achou@mony.com
Clark, Francis J. 1967 Nyorfornia@aol.com
Davis, Joe 1963 joe@eab.board.tec.wi.us
Diaz, Marjorie (Glassman) 1973 EmJayinVA@erols.com
Douglas, Joyce (Eisenberg) 1955 sbmj0b@prodigy.com
Drechsler, Gladys 1942 nyknick745@aol.com
Drusin, Seth 1972 SHD@nyc.pipeline.com
Drusin, Wendy (Goldberg) 1972 SHD@nyc.pipeline.com
Dulberg, Andrea (Platte) 1978 adulberg@banmail.ml.com
Edelstein, Judy (Mazur) 1961 judyedel@juno.com
Edrich, Osnat 1979 OzzieLE@aol.com
Eisenberg, Steve 1956 sde21@aol.com
Fine, Kenneth 1964 KDFine@aol.com
Fink, Judd 1966 BFink46570@aol.com or judd49@juno.com
Fletcher, Janet (Rosenbloom) 1970 fletch11@westnet.com
Flig, Joan (Kaplan) 1971 jyab18b@prodigy.com
Foreman, Judith (Blume) 1980 michaelforeman2@gte.net
Fortier, Lisa (Buckley) 1979 Buck92024@aol.com
Fox, Jeff 1967 jfox@cybernex.com
Furman, Sheryl (Weiner) 1971 msfur@hoflink
Gamerman, Ilene (Goldman) 1970 iraatty@aol.com
Gershowitz, Marc 1965 Knicks@nais.com
Glaser, Jeffrey 1971 cwg402@aol.com (Glasner?)
Gold, Allen 1971 agold1@IDT.net
Goldstein, Sharon (Dobrin) 1978 sggt1@aol.com
Goldstein, Steven 1976 SCQT1@aol.com
Gottfried, Ira 1983 gottwo@aol.com
Gray, Eric (Goldberg) 1949 ericq@redshift.com
Gray, Isabel (Lieber) 1950 ericq@redshift.com
Groden, Ivan 1945 agro@aol.com
Grossman, Linda 1965 olmjspanny@aol.com
Harvey, Carol (Schantz) 1970 car195@aol.com
Heller, Karen 1972 janieb630@aol.com
Horowitz, Barry 1975 lhoro@aol.com
Kalfin, Philip 1963 kalfinpmagicman@worldnet.att.net
Kaplan, Suzanne (Suzy) 1958 jef1001@idt.com
Karen, Herbert 1971 fishtank28@aol.com
Karsh, Ira 1966 petey@admin.Con2.com
Katz, Arnold 1963 janieb630@aol.com
Kirshner, Richard 1969 mlkblk@aol.com
Kittay, Mark 1963 mark@rof.net
Klein, Lester 1954 RLK2@pop.prodigy.net
Knecht, Stephen 1975 knechts@worldnet.att.net
Koerner, Candice (Candy Arons) 1967 thnw34b@prodigy.com
Koerner, Carl 1967 thnw34b@prodigy.com
Laise, Beverly (Schrager) 1972 beverly@incdesign.com
Leshansky, Jules 1946 jdweir@arnet.com
Leshansky, Rhoda (Blate) 1946 jdweir@arnet.com
Levenson, Andrea (Greber) 1975 alevenson@officedepot.com.us
Levy, Barbara (Tepper) 1973 btlevy@engin.umich.edu
Lieberman, Wendy (Lipton) 1967 ejl788@aol.com
Magid, Mark 1971 MMartin319@aol.com
Mallis, Seymour 1946 smallis607@aol.com
Marcus, Paul 1980 pmarcus@mws.com
Meadow, James 1966 meadowj@denver-mn.com
Menaged, Elliot 1973 hardballp@aol.com
Morgenbesser, Danny 1972 LMorgenbesser@aol.com
Mutchnick, Steven 1969 SMutchnic248@aol.com
Needleman, Howard 1970 Hownj@aol.com
Neff, Maureen 1976 netong@mail.firn.edu
Nussbaum, Lynne (Brandt) 1971 lynie1122@aol.com
Ochs, Betty (Lipson) 1951 big_fun13@aol.com
Orellana, Daniel 1983 daniel_orellana@jh.com
Panzone, John 1973 jernP40@aol.com
Paris, Marian (Rubenstein) 1969 flyboys@worldnet.att.net
Parker, Nadine (Kaplan) 1965 Knish429@aol.com
Patashny, Adrienne 1975 avivalmt22@aol.com
Piazza, Margaret (Walpole) 1949 ampiazza@aol.com
Polak, Marcel 1966 amc.polak@mcimail.com
Poretsky, Steven 1975 Justluvoz@aol.com
Rosenberg, Mark 1969 Dr.back7@aol.com
Rosenthal, Mark 1959 mr@pipeline.com
Rosler, Jay 1962 JR320@aol.com
Rubenstein, Ira 1958 lrubenstein@pol.net
Rudolfsky, Bill 1976 william.rudolfsky@nyfrb.org
Sacks, Steve 1968 Steves@allstar.net
Schaefer, George 1948 gschaefer@hoflink.com
Schear, Marti (Feinstein) 1967 MSchear@bellatlantic.net
Schultz, Suzanne (Langer) 1974 ttprod@aol.com
Schwarzber, Harriet (Shatzer) 1971 lipstsix717@aol.com
Seelick, Beth 1971 TessaMarie@worldnet.att.net
Selikowitz, David 1959 76623.723@compuserve.com
Shabot, Lisa (Cohen) 1978 zgck32@prodigy.com
Shapiro, Rochelle 1965 Jewell 234@aol.com
Sheldon, Randy 1974 RandyShe@aol.com
Sherson, Richard 1955 RHRaleigh@aol.com
Shulman, Larry 1971 larry@lmstech.com
Sicherman, Warren (Wuzzy) 1961 wuzzy@gargold.com
Sidle, Janet (Fox) 1958 WAY086@aol.com
Silver, Rana (Arons) 1964 arona@consumer.org
Silver, Ruth (Hillman) 1945 msilver@larcom.com
Siroka, Martin 1971 msiroka@cosmoweb.net
Sloane, Steven 1966 sps1@cdc.gov.or.spsloane@aol.com
Smith, Debbie 1969 czur1@aol.com
Soffer, Florence (Hoffman) 1935 rescue@fastservice.com
Stahl, Hortense (Leiner) 1942 Bhcohort@aol.com
Stefanescu, Marianne (Musumeci) 1982 GStefan695@aol.com
Herbert Stein 1962 HStein@pschoanalysis.net
Suffin, Roni (Knobel) 1968 Roni123777@aol.com
Swedlow, Howard 1956 hswedlow@erinet.com
Tartakoff, Dale 1969 the_tarrs@aol.com
Telles, Matthew 1979 mattelles@sprynet.com
Thau, Sue (Rosenberg) 1968 suethau@aol.com
Thomas, Ricardo 1981 rthomas848@aol.com
Thomashow, Barry 1972 Bthomashow@aol.com
Tillem, Len 1940 LenTillem@compuserve.com
Tischler, Jay 1981 p4j2730@cs.prusec.com
Triebwasser, Judy (Schnitzer) 1971 AngelnNYC@aol.com
Victor, George 1950 gvictor@aol.com
Weicholz, Helene (Blum) 1940 wfffw41c@prodigy.com
Weinberg, Ellen 1975 RichSJE@aol.com
Weissberg, Michael 1980 MJW@aol.com
Wertlieb, Hillary 1968 billymi1@netcom.com
Winthrop, Artie 1940 BoyCrew@aol.com
Wolbrom, Annie 1972 LadiAnnie@aol.com
Yuzik, Marlene 1971 Kane3030@prodigy.net
Zappia, Amy (Troyan) 1973 azappia@nortel.com
Zeldin, Marian (Dulberg) 1976 alanz@bellatlantic.net
Ziskind, Ellen (Malbie) 1968 dziskind@prodigy.com
Zylber, Gerard 1967 gerard@voicenet.com