Hi! Someone told me about your site, and I really applaud your efforts to keep the spirit of Rockaway alive! I am currently working on the 25th reunion for the first graduating class from Beach Channel High School. We have about 200 people we cannot locate. It they had older siblings, they would have gone to Far Rockaway High School. I am wondering if we can post a message on your site asking anyone who knows anyone that was a member of my class to have them get in touch with me, if they have not already been contacted.
The event is being held on the July 7th, at the Beach Club in Rockaway. Tickets are $100 per person. Adults only. The following day we are planning a family picnic event. Location TBA.
I know this is a lot to ask, as you are already doing so much. Any help you can give would be so greatly appreciated.
Leslie Strebel
Ithaca, NY les@lightlink.com