Jim Saperstone, Class of 1968, joins us from Albany New York, and writes the following:
Dear Skip,
I must admit I have been surfing farrockaway.com for the past few years with much joy and interest. You have done 'such a service' for us all.
Now its my turn to give. I graduated 1968, lived in Neponsit, moved after HS to the "ugh" five towns. By then I started American University, what a trip to be in Wash DC then. Somehow I made it through all the drugs and politics, avoided the draft (high lottery numer, thanks mom) and even went to Medical School to everyone's (including mine) suprised. I've lived in Guilderland NY (just outside of Albany) for the past 22 years. Been in private practice (Pediatrics, only specialty I could relate to) and love every minute of it.
Married Leslie (non FRHS) 1975 and have 3 kids; 18, 16, and 9. Still very friendly with Eric Borden. Anyone remember the PATHFINDERS? Well four of us "alta-cockas" all got together in NYC last june (the fifth, Henry Falk, lead guitar, is missing somewhere in NJ) and had a blast. I've enclosed a photo of us.
Was also in many stage productions...Damm Yankees JHS 180, Look Homeward Angel 11th grade and Arsenic and Old Lace. Enough......please write and share..........
Jim can be reached at drjim@earthlink.net
From Left to Right: Eric Borden, Robbie
Me, Carlos (DosSantos) Saunders,
Steven Conrad (allowed to be in the picture
lead guitarist for the rival Footsteps.)
Thanks Jim for taking the time to write and send in such a great photo to share. I hope you will feel free to send any other photos you may have. I will be happy to post them for you. Do you remember my cousin, Ellyn Weinstock?
Frank Narciso, Class of 1968, joins us from Montreal, Canada and writes the following:
I am an Assistant vice President with Banque Nationale de Paris (Canada) in Montreal and have been living here for 19 years. I lived in Arverne when I went to FRHS then moved in 1972 to Lynbrook before moving here.
Frank can be reached at ieie50@hotmail.com
Rhonda Piemonte (Buntzis), Class of 1968, joins us from Lido Beach, NY and writes the following:
Special Education teacher, married, two sons, Matthew-20-Jr. at UMass and Bret-18 Sr. HS - Penn State Univ. in Sept. I enjoy reading, exercising, the beach (what else), music, taking courses, theater, dining, and just about everything.
Rhonda can be reached at Rhonda935@aol.com
Linda Cecere (Klatsky), Class of 1968, joins us from Centreville, VA and writes the following:
It is wonderful to see so many names from the past - it brings back some incredible memories. I miss hanging out at the beach and walking on the boardwalk from Beach 17th Street to Beach 56th Street to visit my friends. I have been living in Northern Virginia for the last 32 years and I have two wonderful sons and an incredible grandson. I would love to hear from some old friends.
Linda can be reached at lklatsky@caci.com
Ellyn Weinstock, Class of 1968, joins us from Little Neck, New York and writes the following:
Hi, cuz,
Today you'll receive 2 messages from me. One on the fact that I seem to be a lost classmate, because I'm not listed anywhere and two I'd like to put a note in the lost classmates page.
I'm looking for very good friends of mine, "The Twins", Jackie and Ronnie Karpen (both women) -- They lived in Wavecrest and we hung out at "Horn's Corner" (the corner diner in the Wavecrest shopping center). Our friends were Isabelle Gross, Rozie Katz, Carol Dole, Sharon and Johnny Hays, Kevin Corcoran. About 10 years ago, I know they lived in Westwood, California, but have lost touch since. Anyone who might know them, or remembers me can e-mail me at montaukgirl@yahoo.com . I'd also love to find Rozie Katz, who married Phil (who owned the clothing store on Central Ave -- the name of the store escapes me now --. I remember taking the bus up to Rozie's house on Beach 92 Street. Can anyone help???
Ellyn can be reached at montaukgirl@yahoo.com - Updated June, 2008
Donna Gaines, Class of 1968, joins us from New York City.
Thanks to Carol and Skip for organizing and maintaining this great community in cyberspace. Although I didn't spend too much time in class at FRHS, my experiences at Ellie's Candy Store, Gino's Pizzaria and on the Boardwalk greatly informed my sociological imagination and helped me cultivate the fine art of hanging out--more formally known as participant-observer research. Rockaway's vibrant street life was a goldmine for this budding ethnographer, and I will always be grateful to my parents for conceiving and raising me in Rockaway Beach, the surf town immortalized in song by the Ramones.
Dr. Donna Gaines (1968) lives in NYC, writes for Rolling Stone, SPIN, the Village Voice, and teaches sociology at Barnard College, Columbia University. A scholarly edition of her book *Teenage Wasteland: Suburbia's Dead End Kids* will be published on March 23 by University of Chicago Press. (Lots of cool ethnography about hanging out in the Rockaways). The Shangri-Las once said "You can never go home anymore" and that's especially true for Rockaway kids. Our community now lives in cyberspace, in our hearts and in every wave that breaks from Coney Island to Montauk.
"It's not far, not hard to reach, we can hitch a ride to Rockway Beach". Donna with her hero Joey Ramone.
Thanks Skip!
Donna can be reached at - TessaRay@aol.com or donna@donnagaines.com
Harvey Brody, Class of 1968, joins us from Scotia, New York and reminisces about Jack and Lenny's skee ball, the Edgemere Theater, the Central Deli, and Duff's Jewelry on Central Avenue. Harvey met his wife, Ilene on the boardwalk after skin diving with several friends off a boat, close to Beach 22nd street in Wavecrest. Harvey remembers his "beach bum" days as a paddle ball fanatic, playing at Beach 17th street whenever he had the chance. He also reminds us of the Tuckee Cup Chinese fast food take out on the boardwalk (I think at 34th street), and I seem to remember every winter someone changing the sign from Tuckee Cup to #*#@ee Cup! (If you don' get this, try a rhyme to go with Tuckee!)
Harvey can be reached at hbrody@nycap.rr.com
Thanks to Harvey for his contribution. Harvey, send me some photos!!
Jonah & Ellen (Kurtzman) Triebwasser, Class of 1968, join us and write the following.
We loved your FRHS web site. We will dig out some old photos and send them to you. Say hello to the class of 1968 for us and to all of the patrons of the old PIX theater where Jonah was an usher, then an assistant manager.
Jonah & Ellen can be reached at ellent225@juno.com
Thanks to both of you for writing. I look forward to receiving your photos. Remember, if you can send them via e-mail, that would be great. If not, just mail them.
Peter Sherman, Class of 1968, joins us from the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida area and writes the following.
I graduated in '68, the year that FRHS was the City Football Champs ! I'm living in The Ft. Lauderdale area, I'm married to FRHS graduate Lenore Lavenda, class of '73. I remember the '60s in the Arverne Edgemere-Nordalk area. We hung out in the Arverne park and later in the JHS 198 schoolyard. We had a large crowd of guys and girls, and always had great time.We played hoops all the time, with an occasional stickball, football, or softball game.
The following is a list of all the characters I remember hangin' out with. If you guys/girls are out there E-mail me at hardball p@aol.com or hardballpete@msn.com. Here's the Hit parade of Characters :
GUYS - Steve Doof Fishkin, Pete Rick Sherman(me), Kenny Victor Negin, Phil Foot Kaplan, Steve Toe Jacobs, Gerry Head Isenberg, Howie Hoops Isenberg, Lester Jewesh Blonsky, Louie & Ed Sid Glintz, Mark Bubba Koller, James Finley, Cary C-Ray Spieler, Albie Zagnut Weiss, Harold Heshamo Griminger, Mark Lip Lop Agoado, Wayne Regis Buckhead Brandt, Orrie Bumbas Candiotti.
GIRLS - Phylis Kravitz, Toni Engel, Enid Landau, Nitza Queen, Sue Nordheimer, Mona & Andrea Levine, Sue Bickwit, Denise Kusher, Cheryl Hirschenbaum, Janet & Michelle Alpert, Etc. Arverne Forever !!!
Peter can be reached at hdbpete1@bellsouth.net
Thanks to Peter for writing. I am happy to see that we finally have some memories of Arverne represented on the web site. Send me some photos.....
Nancy Fox, Class of 1968, joins us from Far Rockaway, New York and writes the following.
Hi Alan,
You have done a great job with this reunion page. I graduated in 1968. I would love to hear from fellow graduates from FRHS, 198 and believe it or not anybody from P.S.106. My sisters all send their regards. Keep up the good work. I am so glad to have this opportunity to be able to write this, when the original Reunion came about it was a once in a liftime experience. It brought back so many people and so many renewed friendships both on line and off. It began as a social event and I hope this continues. I would love to hear from anyone that remembers me as I have written to many as well.
Thank you Alan and Carol.
Nancy can be reached at Rockawaynf@aol.com
Thanks Nancy for writing. It's been a long time since we've seen each other. Please say hello to your sisters and send me a few photos for the web site.
Jacki (Magareten) Jacoby, Class of 1968, joins us from Marietta, Georgia and writes the following.
This is the greatest! I'm Jacki (Magareten) Jacoby '68. I live in Marietta Ga , a suberb of Atlanta, with my 2 daughters, Meliss (15) and Dana (10) Jakubovic. Thanks, Debbie Coles for hooking me back with Linda Haas. How did you know where to find me? Anyone know where Nat Reisner,'68 my first date (skating in prospect park) is now? How about Alan Moskowitz '68. Alan wrote in my yearbook that we were supposed to get married on my birthday but I can't remember why!
Anyone know the whereabouts of Mr. Fred Ruf , the greatest music teacher ever- Better than Mr. Holland! Remember the band room 144?
I'm looking for Richie Schwartz and David Kroll and their Dixie Land Band. Last I heard, Richie was pre-med at the Univ. of Pennsylvania in Bethlehem. Richie-where are you now? Where is gorgeous Richard Maffeo? I remember the sillhouette of a dime he would were around his neck. I hope to hear from anyone with clues.
Jacki can be reached at Jmjvision@aol.com
Thanks Jacki for writing. I'm happy to hear that you were able to contact a lost classmate. I hope we can find some more for you. I was in the FRHS band also. I remember Mr. Ruff very well. You're right! He was one of a kind. Send me some photos for the web site.
Carole Schleifer, (Pax Tisdale) Class of 1968, joins us from California and writes the following.
Dear Skip,
Well it's 2008 and it's been 10 years since I posted my
memories of Rockaway. My daughters Emily and Amanda are now 25 and 20 both
grown, out of the house and living independently. I am recently divorced (after
25 years of marriage). I am still living in southern California (Pasadena) but
soon to be moving to the local mountains. When I move my previous e-mail
addresses will probably not be viable so please take note of two ways to contact
me: tispaxie@gmail.com
The Rockaway pages have brought me back in contact with many of the people
mentioned in my posting, Howie Seigal, Richie Maffeo, Linda Ceicere, Anna, Carol
and Isabelle. And even some I inadvertently left out. My memory has lots of
holes in it and the holes are getting bigger all the time. I love keeping in
touch and would love to attend a 40th reunion if anyone out there was up to
planning one.
I was inspired by your home page--lots of memories growing up in Rockaway: "Pops" the ice cream man on B54th, pizza and a coke for 25 cents at Gino's, racks and racks of 45s at the record store, the army/navy store where I bought my pea coat (embroidered name on front - booster club patch on back). Wranglers were the jeans of choice in those days.
Hanging out in the JHS 198 school yard and on the boardwalk on summer nights. Fireworks every Wednesday during the summer. Wall to wall beach blankets every day. My crushes, Howie Seigal and Richie Maffeo, and boy friends George, Danny and Eddie, Peter Black and Steve Morris. My long lost girl friends Shelly Cohen, Raena Gordon, Linda Cicere, Michelle, Anna Feldman, Carol Kesselschmidt, Joy Orlinski and Isabelle Mazitelle, are you out there? And thanks to this reunion reconnected with Debbie Cole. How are you guys doing?
Winter hangouts, the community rooms at the Edgemere projects and the YMYWHA or Michaele Forresters apt, carrying around our 45s in those little boxes dancing the swim, the jerk, the stroll & the pony.
I remember the transit strike and all those boys from Boys High at far rock, Hector Rivera and the Continentals playing at our schools dances, Ice skating at the pond (perennial puddle) on B60th St. Bubble gum corsages on my 13th birthday, sugar cubes on my sweet sixteen. Rock and roll dances at the beach clubs on long beach.
I remember the teachers I loved, Mr. Lopez (art), Mr. Tietz (history). I've blocked out he ones I couldn't stand, Spanish, home economics.
I remember Rockaway with rose colored sentimentality, an alive community mixed socially & economically, where we all got along. I remember the riots during the turbulent 60s and I remember that there were none in Rockaway.
I've been living in California for the past 26 years. I'm married with two girls, 15 and 10 years old. We came back to visit this summer and drove through Rockaway. I wanted to share with my family the special place where I grew up. It was very depressing. My once new community (Edgemere) was old. Everywhere we drove was old, overgrown and dirty. I left feeling very depressed. Reading the Rockaway home page brought back cherished memories and inspired me to put words to my memories.
Carol 'Pax' can be reached at tispaxie@gmail.com - Updated July, 2011
Thanks Pax for your wonderful memories of Rockaway. Each letter such as yours adds another bursh stroke to the canvas which was the Rockaway of our youth. I am so glad you took the time to write. Thanks!
Adamsky, Dennis - dennisadamsky@yahoo.com - Queens, NY
Balen, Lynn (Gabel) - teritiques@aol.com - Manalapan, NJ
Barbarasch, Barry - barryeva@comcast.net - Princeton Junction, NJ
Bariton, Ann (Symonds) - mbariton@tampabay.rr.com - Clearwater, FL
Bauman, Emily (Fink) -
emilyfb@aol.com - Fairfax Station, VA
Great website, great memories, great life.
Bayard, Steve - dmark30@aol.com - Manalapan, NJ
Berman, Mona (Scher) - 5berman@ca.rr.com - Saugus, CA - Updated January, 2014
Birenbaum, Fran (Rapport) - prapport@hevanet.com - Prineville, OR
Birnbaum, Philip B. -
- Brooklyn, NY
Got so much to say. Mr Tietz was one of my teachers, need I say
more ? I remember it well. The " Wildcats " rock band. That night we
the band challenge. Also the matchmaking thing. My first childhood
was Audrey Fields. Please be in touch !
Bixenspan, Debby (Roiter) - bixenspan@aol.com - Long Beach, NY
Blicksilver, Owen - OBlicksilver@prodigy.net - Garden City, NY
Bohlman, Caryle (Freifeld) - onefisherwm@aol.com - Long Beach, NY
Borden, Eric - esborden@comcast.net - Mt. Laurel, NJ
Brenner, David - daveemtp@aol.com - Holbrook, NY
Britton, Lynne (Wittek) -
l143w@aol.com - Staten Island, NY -
Deceased, August 2011
What a blast. This is the best page on the web...anyone remember
me...give a shout. Thanks to Carol And Skip for your input, into this
Brody, Harvey - hbrody@nycap.rr.com - Scotia, NY
Brofsky, Allan - 1968 -
abrofsky@cableone.net - Rio Rancho,
I am shocked about the school closing. Typical NY crap. I left Far Rockaway and
New York in 1972, and except for short stopovers while heading out on overseas
assignments I haven't been back since.
Brotz, Allen - loishollywood@hotmail.com - Lynbrook, NY
Budney, Diane (Montalbano) - dianespawn@aol.com - Coral Springs, FL
Bushel, Faith (Friedman) - faithfriedman@comcast.net - Baltimore, MD - Updated January, 2008
Cambria, Joseph -
Joseph.Cambria@dol.net - Rising Sun, MD
Was on the track team. I wasn't very good (55-57 second quarter
mile). Mr. Miller was the coach. Playing hand ball on the back of the
Chait, Diane - dianeandsteve2001@yahoo.com - Kauai, HI
Christoforou, Elia (Lee) - ryd4ever@aol.com - Long Island City, NY
Churchill, Cynthia (Paraskos) -
cynp18@aol.com - Miami, FL
Finding this web site was very nostalgic. Have bridged the
years with many old friends. I returned to Far Rockaway after a
year absence, and was quite disheartened. But still found my way to the
sand and surf. I am living in Miami, "Another Day in Paradise"
my husband John, a Brooklynite, and my two daughters. Ariana is
and is attending Florida State University - Go Noles - and is an Early
Childhood Education major, specializing in Autism. My younger
Lara, is a Pre-Med student at Emory University in Atlanta. I
the picture of Central Avenue at Christmas time. It was just like
I remembered.
Cohen, Alan B. -
- Irvine, CA
It's great to see how old friends are doing, but it sure makes me
feel old. I am living and working in Southern California after years
in Baldwin (L.I.) and Pennsylvania (outside of Philadelphia). I am
(31 years) to a girl from the five towns (the only poor girl from
is how I describe my love). We have three children, two boys and a
the youngest is graduating high school this June (see what I mean about
feeling old?) I have done numerous things after college and came to
about 16 years ago. It's funny because teaching is probably the last
I thought I would be doing, but it is by far the most rewarding thing I
have ever done. Go figure.
Cohen, Ellen (Lavner) -
elavner@nyc.rr.com - New York, NY
Hi to all. Lots of feelings come up when thinking about my years in Far Rockaway
- almost all of them warm and fuzzy. Got happily married finally at age 40 to
Glenda Lavner's (remember her!?) cousin, Michael. Inconsolably, became a widow 6
years ago. Lived in Manhattan mostly, had a fun candy shop on E. 59th St for 10
years ('79 - '89). Left the city for 3 years to live in Stockton, NJ. But now
I'm back where I belong. Life feels pretty good again. Would love to
hear from my fellow travelers... Francine Segal - are you out there?
Cohen, Natalie (Yeschin) - nyx2@earthlink.net - Calabasas, CA - Posted December, 2008
Cohen, Ronnie (Leander) - lea303ex2@aol.com - Boca Raton, FL
Cole, Debra (Bennis Barfield Cleveland) -
miss.mack@att.net - Taylors , SC
Left Rockaway in 1969, moved to Middletown, NY, moved to Taylors ( Greenville ),
S.C. in 1979 and have been here since. Beautiful city except for the right wing
politics and religious loonies trying to save me :-). I am retired and think I'm
going to stay that way. Had my fill of being hired by men and their being
replaced with psychotic women. Debbie Cleveland & the Rowdy Bunch in S.C.
Conrad, Stephen -
nyeyedoc1@aol.com - Albertson. NY
Website located at www.bayridgeeyes.com
Denney, Selene (Kopel) -
hunysweet7@aol.com - Gold River, CA
This is a real treat. I didn't think that a web page like this existed.
I have not heard from anyone from my grad class, so please email me.
Nancy Postal and I were good friends and so was Karen Jurist. If you
know what happened to Irwin Kamen, let me know. Has anyone mentioned
the 40th reunion of our grad class?
Deutsch, Irv - Send Me Your Current Email Address - East Montpelier, VT
Diaz, Raymond - rkdiaz@qwest.com - Edmonds, WA
Dickstein, Jim - jimmyd2@lvcm.com - Las Vegas, NV
I've lived in Las Vegas for 20 years and look forward to seeing
or hearing from the Rockaway crowd.
Dolman, Patty (Marcus) - markiss719@aol.com - Monmouth Jct., NJ - Deceased (3/04)
Dupree, Alfredo - dupree11@aol.com - Lutz, FL - Updated September, 2011
Eiseman, Michael - surfer38st@aol.com - Astoria, NY
Eisenberg, Rochelle (Welsh) -
rwelsh333@gmail.com - Pomona, NY
We are looking at homes in the Rockland County communities, such as New City.
Things are going well and settling down after our "swift departure" from
Michigan. (we were lucky to sell our house so FAST!) To all my Michigan friends,
know that I think about you often. Enjoy the summer weather--looks like you're
getting less rain than here!
Ernstoff, Jeffrey - jeffreyernstoff@aol.com - New York, NY
Ettelman, Gloria (Lubenstein) - lubenstein@sbcglobal.net - Westbrook, CT
Falik, Deborah - dsfalik@juno.com - New York NY
Falk, Henry J. -
- Mendham, NJ
I just found out about this web site. Looking forward to
old friends, especially my "band members".
Farber, Sandy (Neiser) - kikazz@optonline.net - Manalapan, NJ
Feder, Sue - Monkshould@comcast.net - Towson, MD -
Deceased - 2005
I had a great time at the big reunion, and was hoping that the Class
of '68 would get together last year for its 30th. Perhaps now that the
Directory is finally out, we might be able to do something.
Feldman, Anna (Feldman-Rosen) -
anfrosen@yahoo.com - Rydal, PA -
Deceased - March, 2012
Hello old friends and classmates. My life has continued to improve since HS. I
am happy to report that I am well loved and reasonably healthy. I was a low
profile student, but am remembering names as I look through our class list. It
is hard to believe that it has been 40 years since graduation. My best wishes to
all. Anna
Fenster, Dan - dfenster@optonline.net - Oceanside, NY
Ferster, Howard - Send Me Your Current Email Address - Miami, FL
Fink, Helen (Leiner) -
helenleiner@aol.com - Fairfax, VA
Hi Everyone- I loved the web site- so many memories.
Fleschner, Brenda (Bronstein) - b_bronstein@yahoo.com - Far Rockaway, NY
Forman, Debbie - dforman1@aol.com - Boston, MA
Fox, Nancy - RockawayNF@aol.com - Far Rockaway, NY
Fredson, Mark - jfredson@optonline.net - Cedarhurst, NY
Friedman, Charlie - chas7488@yahoo.com - Enfield, CT
Hi, all, friends and acquaintances of decades ago! I found this great
web-site by accident, or incident. I am living in Connecticut with my
wife of nearly 23 years, Ingrid. The kids, Derek and Tanja, are out of
the house and the dog has long since died--life has finally begun! I
can deal with our three putty-cats.
Fries, Arlene (Klein) - allguard@aol.com - New City, NY
Fuchs, Helene - HFAfuchs@aol.com - Boston, MA
Gaines, Donna - TessaRay@aol.com or
donna@donnagaines.com - New York, NY
Skip I was surfing in Costa Rica this winter (2004) when my
went down and my email stopped working. It's now up again, so
re-post it. I'm currently back in NYC, under contract to write "The
Syndicate" a book of Young Adult fiction for HaperCollins Publishers.
keeping with the ocean motif, I've added three surfy starfish to
the design on my left arm, finally finishing my sleeve. Here' a photo
my freshly inked tattoo. Hope you're well. May God's love be with
Gamerman, Michèle (Mazal) -
micmaz2000@yahoo.com -
The License says RN, c/geriatrics certified...but I've also
taught English in Mexico, owned a design store, been assistant to an
EX, studied dance (seriously, tho not professionally), worked in
jacqueline of many oficios, maestra de ningun!).
Geller, Trudy (Stoller) - treb4@aol.com - Brooklyn, NY
Ginsberg, Jeffrey - theginzy@aol.com - Wellington, FL
Gittleman, Joseph - mangohuntr1@cs.com - East Islip, NY
Looking forward to hearing from old friends and acquaintances.
Glasser, Merrie (Pinhas) - merriepinhas@aol.com - Holmdel, NJ
Glintz, Ed - Send Me Your Current Email Address - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Glusman, Carol (Mountain) -
carolm@ldeo.columbia.edu - Westwood,
Thank you for making this website! I have enjoyed it immensely
(even though I found some sad bits of news in it). I will pass it on to
high school friends who I am still in touch with. After strolling down
"Memory Lane" via this website, I realize, that after some wanderings,
I have settled in a town remarkably like Far Rockaway (but alas no
Goedecke, Susan (Clarke) -
clarkesus@gmail.com - San Clemente, CA
- Updated January, 2008
Thanks so much for keeping up this website. I've been able to get in touch
with many of my old friends due to it. I have retired from teaching in Arcadia,
CA and my husband and I have moved "back to the beach" only to a different
ocean, to San Clemente California. We love it here.
Gold, Arthur (Artie) - goldart@worldnet.att.net - Metuchen, NJ
Goldberg, Barbara (Chatzkel) -
barbara@newrivergroup.net - New
River, AZ
AJHS Class of 1968 - haven't been back since then. Live in New River, Arizona, a
place filled with cactus and critters and no snow. Would love to connect with
Hickory Log people!
Gordner, Richelle (Meyer) - roart728@yahoo.com - Bushkill, PA
Gould, Steven L. - agrober@aol.com - Garnerville, NY
Green, Michelle (Dolman) - Send Me Your Current Email Address - Staten Island, NY
Greene, Jeffrey - jbfg1@juno.com - Whitestone, NY
Greenstein, Nancie (Hardy) - nhardy310@yahoo.com - Fontana, CA
Greenwald, Carol (Kirson) - crdj9@aol.com - Forest Hills, NY
Griminger, Harold -
cbrown12@aol.com - Oceanside, NY
Hope to hear from friends.
Grober, Aaron - agrober@aol.com - Melville, NY
Haas-Shapira, Linda - ljhs51@yahoo.com - Jerusalem, Israel
Harris, Ira - sspharris@aol.com - Fresh Meadows, NY
Heller, Valerie - vheller@me.com - Tobyhanna , PA
Hirsch, Joseph - josephhirsch1@me.com - New York, NY
I'd love to hear from fellow 1968 graduates. Website: http://www.nyneuropsychologist.com
Hirschbaum, Jeffrey -
jhirschb@optonline.net - Massapequa, NY
This is a great web site; thank you for maintaining it.
Hoffman, Arlene (Spitz) - arlenespitz@bellsouth.net - St. Lucie, FL - Updated August, 2009
Hollins, Julie -
julia.hollins@gmail.com -
Woodbridge, CT
I've recently been in touch with a few FRHS alums and would welcome hearing from
many more!
Indig, Toby (Kronick) - retiring212@gmail.com - Frisco, TX - Updated April, 2014
Ippolito, Patricia (Mattone) -
pmfp107@optonline.net - Merrick, NY
Some of my happiest memories were during my high school years. I
truly miss those carefree, fun-loving days. I remember every summer
to the beach on 69 Street as a teenager and trying to find a spot to
down my blanket. (If you didn't get down there by 10:00am, you most
had to sit under the boardwalk.) There were lots of great food
penny arcade, Abe's pool room, fireworks on Wednesday nights, private
behind the boardwalk, endless card games, chicken fights and mud fights
in the ocean, body surfing, etc... I can remember delicious, freshly
hot waffles with two scoops of ice cream for a quarter; pizza,
and knishes for fifteen or twenty cents. You could eat all day for one
dollar! To sum it up, it was carefree summers of endless friends and
Itskowitz, Anita - aitskowitz@yahoo.com - Astoria, NY
Jonas, Eileen (Kaplan) -
cotton19@aol.com - Marlboro, NJ
I'm a Kindergarten teacher. I've been married for over 25 yrs. and
have 2 boys, 21 and 17. I'm sorry I didn't attend the reunion!!!
Jurist, Karen - kjurist@glickenhaus.com - Staten Island, NY
Kalmowitz, Glenn - kalmo60@comcast.net - Annapolis, MD - Updated September, 2008
Kamen, Randy (Kamen-Gredinger) -
kamen-gredinger@comcast.net - Wayland, MA
I just was in Israel and contacted Linda Haas after many years. She suggested
that I check out this website - which has just been wonderful. I am 20 years
married with two children - Amy, 18 and Max, 16. So the high school memories
have been very fresh for me recently. I am a psychologist in private practice in
Wayland, Massachusetts where we also live. The beach has always been an important
part of my life. We always find opportunities to hit the surf. I would really
like to hear from friends from FRHS. I sort of 'dropped out' senior year so I
did not maintain many connections from that time. This seems like such a great
forum for reconnection.
Kershon, Fern (Karchawer) - fkershon@aol.com - Briarwood, NY
Kesselschmidt, Carol (Hagerman) - echagerman@yahoo.com - Dunedin, FL - Updated September, 2016
Kirschner, Martha (Smith) - ffvcr@aol.com - Oviedo, FL
Klapper, Jonni - PEDIDOC1@aol.com - Tampa, FL
Hi class of '68. It is so much fun to see names I have not
seen for so many years. I am alive, well, married with children
ages 18 and 16). I am a pediatrician in Tampa, Florida. I would
to hear from old friends. Jonni
Klein, Rich - lawyers@wans.net - Naperville, IL
Knobel, Roni (Suffin) - Roni123777@aol.com - Baldwin, NY
Kolbrenner, Max - mkolbcpa@aol.com - Stamford, CT
Kolenick, Michael -
mikekolenick1@verizon.net - Scotland, MD
I presently am working as a substitute teacher in my local school
system...I am made sorely aware each day of the way I (and most
us) treated subs when we were in school. Website location: http://torchbearer.tripod.com/pages/index.html
Koller, Mark - Agoura, CA - Deceased
Kornfeld, Mitch - agrober@aol.com - Jackson Heights, NY
Krasnove, Richard - rkrasnove@aol.com - Asheville, NC
Kraus, Jeff - jakraus@verizon.net - New York, NY
So as I was saying...Well, how strange is it to jump back 40 years? That miracle
works for me by reading everyone's comments, so I hope to add my two bits.
After FRHS ("You Are the Only One") I went to Yale and dropped out after three
years - politics, 60s stuff - and wandered around New York and Europe for a
year, then graduated from Columbia and got an MA in math from Stony Brook. I
ended up back in NY as a locksmith (after FDA chemist, mailman, cab driver and
JHS lab assistant) and now work as a hardware consultant. Duh! I've been married
for 26 years and we spend most of our vacations in strange places -- South
Africa, Mongolia, India, Nepal -- usually as volunteers on scientific
expeditions (earthwatch.org -- check it out). We've been chased by rhinos and
elephants and tracked snow leopards at 20 thousand feet. We just got back from a
brown hyena survey and met lots of great people and ate lots of great fish (boy,
that sounds wrong, at least in a Buddhist sense). We live in an old
apartment in West Harlem, fighting the good fight for tenants' rights over the
past 25 years (stopcolumbia.org at present). We have five cats who are
dismayingly unconcerned with our cockroaches. We spend a lot of time hiking,
camping, kayaking, skiing and riding horses. So just WHY do we live in the city?
Uhh... If you are wondering about Mickey Cohen (former biology teacher
extraordinaire), he's happily leading tours with the American Littoral Society,
both around New York and as far as the Galapagos and Iceland. He is just as
spellbinding a storyteller as ever and it is well worth spending as much time
with him and his charming wife Barbara as you can. Barbara is the NYS
coordinator for Beach Cleanup Day, a huge event that just occurred for this
year. They do lots of things all year round, and Mickey and Barbara are still in
Far Rockaway. They are always happy to hear from any of us alte kockers! I
am thrilled to see how well many of our lives have turned out, and I'm happy to
add mine to the list. I see a few names I recognize and I miss a few too. Write
to me if you want and I will respond. We visit Rockaway and other
beaches every chance we get, all year round. I hope I NEVER get the sound of the
surf out of my head! Klaatu Barata Nictu!
Kris, Shelley (Rosenberg) - shelle412@aol.com - Miami, FL
Kurtzman, Ellen (Triebwasser) - ellent225@juno.com - Red Hook, NY
Kushin, Ilene (Orlowski) - 3skis@worldpath.net - Barnstead, NH
Labrys, Sharon (Kliegman) -
sharon.kliegman@gmail.com - Mequon, WI
- Updated January, 2009
Loved reliving the memories on this web site. Looking forward
to hearing from old classmates.
Lazar, Gary - garlaz@usa.com - Wilton, CT
Lazarus, Douglas - doug@14@aol.com - Coral Springs, FL
Lazarus, Roni - Send Me Your Current Email Address - East Rockaway, NY
Lefkowitz, Stephen (Lurch) - gw368@aol.com - Brooklyn, NY
Leif, Ken - Leifs2946@aol.com - Merrick, NY
I got a blast out of the 100th anniversary reunion. Living only
a half block away from our alma mater, I spend numerous hours using the
tennis courts (when there were nets), jogging around the perimeter and
observing all the faces coming and going from the school's entrances
exits. I had a relatively small group of real friends with whom I hung
out with, but in reality I felt like I really knew (and was friends
all the class (there were about 900 I believe)of '68! Would welcome any
Leopold, Eric - ewl53@msn.com - Astoria, OR
Levine, Charlie - cmlva@cox.net - Williamsburg, VA
Levine, Cheryl (Ornstein) - Cornstein@aol.com - Richland, WA
Levitt, Sheila (Cohen) sheila.g.cohen.ins@att.net - Ft. Lauderdale, FL - Updated January, 2008
Levy, Joanne Rosalie -
JLevy126@yahoo.com - or-
- Hewitt, TX
It is a great thrill to see the Class of 1968 still exists, and
not just in my mind. A special friend of mine told me about this web
and so, here I am. I used to hang with a lot of people, ie: Joel
Nancy Postell, Elayne Leass, Paul Weiser, all the people in the play
year "Arsenic and Old Lace", I got a standing ovation for playing the
lol, lol, lol,...I remember names like Carol and Tony, Michael Mintz,
Ring?, had a hugh crush on Howie Hollander, and I remember Richard T.
(he was the one who went steady with the girls, (one a week)lol, lol,
if I could find my yearbook, I'd really have a list of people. All I
is that it was a fun time,and am I the only one who lives in
live in Wakko (Waco) Texas, been here for 10 years..Prior to that is
Orlando, Florida. I remember a Raymond Ehrlich, B. 9th St., those long
walks to school, and, in those days, we didn't even hear of wearing
to school, especially jeans. I recall the mini dresses, the white
the horrible Gym classes us girls wrote notes to get out of it, and all
the times I dropped books on the steps going from one room to another,
I was such a klutz? ha, ha,....Anyhow, I've had a good life, still
and waiting to see how the next years will pass. I say hello to
of Class 1968, and a special thanks to Joel, who still remembered me.
Joanne Levy
Libsohn, Hannah (Prisand) -
hbnana@aol.com -
Middletown, NJ - Deceased, 2009
Lieberman, Joan (Grey) - joangrey@rogers.com - Toronto, Ontario Canada - Updated March, 2011
Lieblich, Myra (Buchsbaum) -
mlbuchsbaum@hotmail.com -
Plainview, NY
Hello class of 1968! Was so delighted to discover this page and see everyone's
names and some faces again! I remember hanging out at Gino's and Beach 9th
Street and spending lots of time with Cheryl Levine and Michelle Potent. I
worked as a special education teacher for many years. My husband Marvin and I
are approaching our 45th anniversary! We lived Douglaston then moved to
Plainview, NY in Long Island. We have 2 daughters and twin grand-daughters.
Would love to hear from you!
Linz, Roz (O'Brien) -
rockawaypenguin@aol.com - Island Park, NY
Hi-- I miss the fun times of being in Rockaway in the 60's. I hope someone would
plan a reunion for 1968 graduates. I was not able to go to the 100th reunion,
and would love to see some of the friends I had.
Lubrano, Vikki (Clark) -vikkiclark7777@yahoo.com - Neversink, NY - Updated October, 2010
Married. One college-age child. Retired from career as
assistant. Lived in Arizona for many years. Welcome contact from old
Maccone, Barbara (Friedman) - barb32119@yahoo.com - Daytona Beach, FL
Maffeo, Richard - rmaffeo@comcast.net - San Diego, CA - Updated January, 2008
Retired from USN nurse corps. Currently working part time as nursing clinical instructor/educator. Published first book in March 07 (We Believe: Forty Meditations on the Nicene Creed; ISBN 9781602662056). www.richmaffeobooks.com I have fond memories of FRHS . . . and all the friends I had. I would embarrass myself to start naming them. I would inadvertently omit a bunch. I left FR in 1968, spent a year at Hofstra, then 6 mos. at UT Austin. I then moved on to Queens college, and -- finally -- to the navy in 1972. After boot camp, I went to Japan. While there I was confronted with the Jewish Scriptures' claim that Jesus is the Messiah (it's a long story – I’ll share it with anyone interested). I met Nancy and married her in 1975 (she was teaching kindergarten to the military kids on base in Japan). We have three children (Keren, 29, Zion, 27 and Nathan 22). In 1976, Nancy and I left Japan and moved to Springfield, MO where I attended Bible college and seminary. I earned my nursing degree in 1985, worked in critical care for a while, and then came back into the navy as a nurse corps officer in 1990. I was stationed in Bremerton, WA (90-93), with a short stint in Saudi Arabia during DS 1, then on to Okinawa, Japan (93-96) and then (courtesy of the Navy) to San Antonio, TX where I earned my Masters in Nursing. From TX, we moved to San Diego (1997). We stayed there 4½ years and then transferred to Groton, CT. In October my wife and I transferred to Bremerton, WA. I will retire on June 1st, 2007 [YES!] and plan to move to San Antonio. I also write freelance. You can find some of my articles at www.myjourneytorome.blogspot.com, or google my last name. I expect my book on the Nicene Creed from the publisher by the end of September 2006. God's richest blessings on everyone. Photos above of Richard and Richard and Nancy.
Magid, Robin - rubymorgan@aol.com - New York, NY
- Updated August, 2017
I am a psychotherapist in private practice for the last 23 years I currently
reside in NYC with my spouse Carol Morgan of 29 years. We have also spent
our weekends in Sag Harbor for the last 10 years. Love to hear from my '68
Margareten, Jacki (Smith) -
myemail@dentabyte.com -
Township, MI - Updated October, 2011
Website: www.2urhealthmi.com
Margolis, David -
triviawiz1950@yahoo.com -
Woodhaven, NY
Since retiring, I spend a lot of time on the computer while wife still works.
Malbie, Ellen (Ziskind) - dziskind@prodigy.com - North Woodmere, NY
Mandelbaum, Joye (Lamberson) - joye1@mindspring.com - Decatur, GA
Mastanduno, Joanne (Szvetics) -
tigmania@aol.com - Levittown, NY
IHi Everyone! Well, I've come full circle...I'm living back in NY (Long
Island)...I have many good memories of Far Rockaway HS (class of 1968)
and...."Hanging out" with the gang in Edgemere on 54th St. or on the boardwalk
at 34th St. Boy...do I feel OLD!!!! lol...Anyone who remembers me, get in touch!
In 1970, I got married and moved to Flushing, N.Y., where I lived for 1 1/2 years. We then moved to Long Island and lived there for 13 years, then in New Jersey for 12 years. I have two grown daughters (ages 26 & 24). My husband and I moved here to Colorado in May, 1998. I worked in New Jersey for ten years with the Lakewood Board of Education as an Administrative Secretary for the Director of Special Education. Since I moved to Colorado, I now work for AT&T as a billing agent for businesses. It felt good to learn of a little "link to the past".... A friend of mine sent this Rockaway information to me via e-mail and I've been "checking it out" for the past 2 hours!
Mazzitelli, Isabelle -
artynonsensebyizzy@gmail.com - London,
England - Updated April, 2014
Rockaway in the 50's and 60's what heaven! Trawling along Central
Avenue with: Ronnie Cohen, Florence Cohen, Milton Schaefer, Donna
Gaines, "Shrink",
Jerry Ivory, Irene Green, Charlie Mailings; marching up and down and
and up hoping to bump into Richie Cavanaugh or Tommy Capperelli,
out in Gino's (still probably the home of the best slice of pizza in
world) and the Central Ave. Deli. I miss the beach! Oh boy, do I miss
beach, the boardwalk and the time of innocence that was the Rar
that I grew up in. I left America in 1970 to study painting at Oxford
never left England which has become my home, but my mind's eye is never
happier than when I'm at the beach or walking the boardwalk or gointg
the movies in Rockaway circa 1966. It's OUR TOWN and it is called Far
11691 not Grover's Corner.
Mendelson, Renee (Del Gais) - dancingrere@yahoo.com - Valley Stream, NY - Posted October, 2008
Merenstein, Sandi (Cohen) -
sandilbi@aol.com - Staten Island , NY
Enjoy every day like it is your last; tell your loved ones everyday that you
love them.
Merkin, Robby -
jakarprod@nyc.rr.com - New York, NY - Updated November, 2010
It is a privilege to be listed here among the other fine folks of
Far Rock '68. I was a member of the Pathfinders (w/Carlos Dos
Jimmy Saperstone, Eric Borden & Henry Falk) and have remained in
music to this day. I'm fortunate to have music directed Little
Shop Of Horrors (stage & film), The Little Mermaid, and Sesame
Street for 6 years. I live on the upper west side of Manhattan
and miss the beach desperately! I've got 2 sons, one in HS one in
college, both musicians, who live with me part time. I'm sure a
lot of you will know exactly what I mean when I say I still get a
sexual tingle from the word "boardwalk"! Love to everyone.
Miller, Loring - Lmilleragency@aol.com - Melville, NY
Coincidentally, I recently got togeter with 2 FRHS grads without even
knowing. When this came out in conversation, we had a blast going back
in history. Soon after I was searching the net for something and
stumbled onto a list saying I was missing. It led me to his Far Rock
site (great site, by the way), so here I am. Although there have been
times in my life where even I thought I was missing, I am today well
and accounted for, one day at a time! In fact, I attended the FRHS 100
year reunion, so somebody lost me since. I’ve lived in Melville, LI for
over 30 years, married to (second wife) Ilene for 22 years and have 3
adult children between us. We own the Loring E. Miller Insurance
Agency, and are also both retired SPCA officers (“Animal Cops”). Was
very saddened by the necessity but very proud to have served at Ground
Zero immediately after the attacks of 9/11. I am very involved with
local police agencies and supervise several law enforcement affiliated
organizations. Hobbies are animals and pets, law enforcement support
and cars. Those who knew me might be wondering if I still drive Chevys
after all these years; the answer is an unequivocal yes, although my
family left the Chevy business in the 80's. You mean there are other
Molinari, Catherine (Serrano) - Send Me Your Current Email Address - Coral Springs, FL
Morgenbesser, Robert "Morgen" -rmorgenb18@yahoo.com - Coral Springs, FL
Nagel, Stephanie - nagel@3di.com - Bethesda, MD
Nahamies, Nina (Marano) - nmarano@mindspring.com - Atlanta, GA
Narciso, Frank -
- Longqueil - Quebec Canada
Being so far up north for the last 21 years, I have lost contact
with so many people.....feel free to share your memories!
Nash, Madeleine - mnash01@hotmail.com - Monsey, NY
Hi everyone! I was so happy to learn about this site through a
meeting with another FRHS grad. After all these years, it's
that our seemingly "disappeared" community may be starting to come back
to life. Thanks to the site creators and all who are logging on and
it on!
Natter, Wendy - brasssound@aol.com - Holmdel, NJ
Nordheimer, Susan (March) - smarch425@aol.com - West Windsor, NJ
Ornstein, Rick - educatedcigar@aol.com - Richland, WA - Posted April, 2008
Palin, Linda (Rod) -
LINOLDRN @aol.com - Jefferson, NH
I am married 31 yrs to Carl Rod ('66) I live in New Hampshire AND
am a nurse. I have one child, a girl who is 23 yrs and married. I think
of Rockaway often especially when I see pictures of the ocean. I'd like
to hear from
Wendy Hanley, Florence Cohen.
Papkin, Lenny - jakethe446@aol.com - Weston, FL
Perlman, Les - Send Me Your Current Email Address - Yorktown Heights, NY
Picarella, Edward - epicarella@comcast.net - Pompano Beach, FL
Piera, Vida -
Islandfoxx@gmail.com - Fox Island, WA
Hello everyone. Thank you Carol and Skip for the great website.
Pincus, Alan - ADP1950@yahoo.com - Kiama, New South Wales,
Left FRHS in Dec. 1967 to join the US Marine Corps. should have
graduated in June 1968. Managed to finish high school and college while
in the Military.
Pizarro, Martha (Ramos) -
nanamartha123@aol.com - Miami, FL
Just looking to connect with old schoolmates.
Posner, Robyn (Small) -
rob503@optonline.net - Manalapan, NJ
Hello to any members of the class of '68. I am an assistant principal
in a middle school. I've lived in NJ for twelve years with my husband.
We travel at every chance we get. I'd love to hear from some former
Postal, Nancy (Williams) - TheBoobrat@aol.com - Davie, FL -
Deceased May 11, 2006
I would love to hear from some old Far Rock classmates. I have such
great memories of growing up in Rockaway. I am getting very nostalgic
my old age. I would love to hear from some Rockaway people. All I can
is it was a great place to grow up in. What a different world it is
If you graduated in the mid 60's or a friend of my brother George's
a little e-mail.
Potent, Michelle (Borodinsky) -
mic2les@starpower.net - Derwood,
Hi everyone! I never thought to look for a Far Rock website but I was
recently up in Vermont, went to a Farmer's Market, met Ruby Leslie who
makes lovely weavings and found out that she was from Rockaway. She
didn't go to Far Rock but told me about the website. What fun! It has
been a long time since I thought about how great it was growing up in
Far Rockaway, even though my parents still live there. You should have
seen me searching for my Yearbook-many of the names I remembered but
not all the faces. I think I was even mentioned in Carole Schleifer's
message sans last name and I can't believe Linda Cecere lives so close.
Donna Gaines' tattoos are amazing! Well, I went to Brooklyn College
after HS, met the man I'm married to, dropped out, did the hippie
thing. Moved to Charlottesville, VA, became a R.N., moved to Athens,
GA, got a business degree, moved to Gaithersburg, MD, became a
certified naturalist, studied herbal medicine, worked for Blue Cross!
Blue Shield teaching nurses to do medical review. Quit for my sanity.
Worked part-time at Smile Herb Shop, taught some classes, started my
own practice as a Wellness Consultant and currently am working on a
Master's in Holistic Nutrition. Life is a trip, isn't it! By the way,
anyone remember me crying in 12x trying to get out of the class? Anyone
remember Spanish teacher, Mr. Hertz, playing with that damn Gumby doll
during tests or was that Junior High? Thank you so much for this
wonderful site. I've really enjoyed getting connected again!
Rapport, Peter - prapport@hevanet.com - Prineville, OR
Rauch, Victor - victor.rauch@gmail.com - Snowmass, CO
Reisman, Bruce -
Breisman1@gmail.com - Scarsdale, New York
Wow! Finding this website is a blast. Graduated FRHS in '68 and went to CCNY
where I graduated in in 1972 with a BS/Psychology. I worked several years for a
NYS Psychiatric Center and then graduated Columbia University School of Social
Work in 1978. I've been a psychotherapist working in various agencies and
private practice. I lived Bayswater in 1960 through 1971. My brother Bob and
sister Randie graduated FRHS in '72 and ' 79 respectively.Been married since
1976.. 2 great kids 29 and 26.
Reisner, Nathaniel - lmbaby@rcn.com - Needham, MA
I have lived in Massachusettes all my married life, 21 years that
is. Right now, I am an executive at Macy's in Boston. I have two
ages 17 and 16. I miss Rockaway Park and the view of the bay from my
Email me! Check out my son's webpage per request of my son:
Renz, Kathy (Hougum) -
emmypie2@aol.com - North Potomac, MD
I just found out about this web site, and I'm so excited! My family
moved to Manhattan right after high school graduation so I did lose
with a lot of people. I lived in the city for 4 years (went to
College) before I went to the University of Wisconsin for graduate
I got married in Madison and then moved to the Washington DC area in
My folks still live on the upper west side so I do go into the city,
never to Rockaway. I've been told that the area has deteriorated
so much that it would be too depressing. I do have lots of fond
since I spent my childhood years there. I grew up biking on the
visiting Playland and 35th street, enjoying Wednesday night fireworks
the absolutely gorgeous beaches. As for high school, I was in the drama
club and do remember Jimmy Saperstone from his band and the play "Look
Homeward Angel." There are so many other names that I recognize
the alumni list that bring back won!
Rockaway was really a magical place.
How lucky we were!
Rivera, Myrna (Quijano) - ninaskidsrock63@gmail.com - Davenport, FL - Updated March, 2014
Rokuson, Peter - walrusclr@aol.com - Woodmere, NY
Romm, Leonard - agrober@aol.com - Lawrence, NY
Roseman, Eric - dreroseman@aol.com - Long Beach, NY
Rosenberg, Sue (Thau) - suethau@aol.com - Washington, DC
Roshkind, David - a2thdr901@aol.com - West Palm Beach, FL
Ross, Jeff - Updated January, 2019
Rubin, Martin - yorubin2@aol.com
- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Deceased -
March, 2005
Still looking for Sandy Franco and Jane Rothstein. Great
reading all about where I was for my first 11 great years. My parents
the candy store near Henrys, on the same side as the train. I worked at
Dotmars, doing the news papers for Lew (Tiny) Bensen. He worked with
The years were 58 till 61. Near Henrys was Joes hardware store. Also
bakery on the same side was owned by the Star family, with a pretty
named Rita. I feel like could write a song now. My friends at that time
were, Mike, Ricky, and John Eisman, Joel Stern, Gary Homan, Tim
Barry Selick Lois and Gary Shultz, and there was a kid that lived on a
house boat. We all lived on 36th and 37th street by the bay. In our
we had the post office. Then there was Max the cop. I started my coin
at that time. All of the stores would let this little boy look through
there change. Do remember there was a dentist up stairs above one of
stores. You got me a roll. Take care from my sister MAXINE RUBIN, Class
of 1963 and me MARTY RUBIN, Class of 1968. THANKS ------- December, 2004...Hello.
I'm still looking for Sandy Franco. Lost contact, when he was in
Viet Nam in 1969. Would like to fine Jane Rothstein class 1969 or
1970. Otherwise, hope all is well with everyone. Marty
Rubinstein, Andrea -
andrea@sfbayou.com - Princeton Junction,
NJ -
Updated May, 2021
Great website, great photos! If anyone has a photo of Empire Hardware (my
dad's store in the 60's/70s - on Beach Channel Drive), I'd love to see them.
After high school, college & grad school, I was a museum curator in Phoenix AZ
and then changed careers and moved to San Francisco, where I lived for about 25
years. From SF, I moved to Lafayette, LA While the weather is terrible in the
summer, I was able to, because my work at IBM allowed me to telecommute, follow
my love of Cajun, Creole and Zydeco music to its source. I also started playing
Cajun rhythm guitar about that time. After 15 years years of too many
hurricanes, too much flooding, retiring, and a huge shift in the political mood
in Louisiana, I decided to move back to the Northeast to be closer to my family.
I still play Cajun music here and, after retiring, rediscovered my high school
love of drawing and painting. My webpage is located at
Rutberg, Florence (Joanne Klein) - jorklein@aol.com - Ardsley, NY
Sacks, Steve -
- Southern CA - Deceased September, 2013
Website located at http://www.aaamedicaltesting.com/
Saltzman, Lyle -
lylesaltzman50@gmail.com - Satellite Beach, FL
a great website. The memories of Far Rockaway will always remain alive.
Sandler, Cheryl D. - sandlerc@ujafedny.org - Scarsdale, NY
Saperstone, James - drjim@earthlink.net - Albany, NY
Satten, Barry - Bsatten@hotmail.com - Brick, NJ
Schliefer, Carole (Pax Tisdale) - tispaxie@gmail.com - Crestline, CA - Updated July, 2011
Schreier, Judith (Zwilling) - Heyjud1176@aol.com - Sunrise, FL
Schuster, Glenn - offtrax1@aol.com - Gaithersburg, MD
Seitz, Martin - seitzinlv@cox.net - Las Vegas, NV
Anyone that I knew in the classes of '68 & '69 please contact
Sheinbaum, Stephen - shiney@ix.netcom.com - New York, NY
Sher, Alicia (Molina) - msbrents2@comcast.net - Coon Rapids, MN
Sherman, Diane (Schawelson) - bd.schaw@verizon.com - Rockaway Park, NY - Deceased January, 2011
Sherman, Pete - hdbpete1@bellsouth.net - Davie, FL
Sherman, Sharon - sharsher@aol.com - Dewit, NY
Siegel, Eric - ura999@aol.com - Wheatley Heights, NY
Siegel, Michael - mikeyinflorida@gmail.com - Venice , FL - Updated June, 2012
Siesser, Steven -
ssiesser@verizon.net - Silver Spring , MD
The best day was graduation day. It poured and they had to move graduation into
the auditorium. We had over 900 graduates and they had to split it up into 3
separate ceremonies. I was in Mr. Ruff's band, baritone horn, and all I can
remember is that I played Pomp & Circumstance all day. Website:
Silverman, Janette -
jsilverman@janette-silverman.com - Phoenix, AZ
I split my time between Phoenix, Santa Fe and NYC. Currently working at
the Jewish Theological Seminary as Outreach Director for The Davidson Graduate
School of Education after decades of working at synagogues as education
director. Have a master's in public administration, a second master's in Jewish
studies and a doctorate in Jewish studies. My dissertation was on Jewish
genealogical research, and I've had a genealogical consulting business for a
number of years. I have two grown children living in CA and NY, and have been
happily divorced for 15 years. Website:
Siperstein, Edward -
palmcoasteddie@comcast.net - Ft.
Myers, FL - Updated November, 2009
Retired from Homeland Security. Hi everyone, after spending a good portion of my life in the New
Orleans, LA area, I returned to Lawrence in the Five Towns. Now married
with a 13 yr. old daughter, and a six year old cat. Retired from law
the Naval Reserve, and currently working for an agency of the Federal
as a special agent. Looking forward to hearing from anyone who
the golden voice of Eddie Siperstein.
Smith, Harvey -
- Erwin, NC - Updated
December, 2012
The years have flown by.. and I miss
Rockaway!!! Anyone out there who remembers me please write!! I was born
in Rockaway and attended PS 42, PS 105 ( when it first opened) and went
to FRHS up until my senior year then moved out to the Island. After
reading the pages I have become very homesick for connections to the
past. I lived at 334 beach 56th street.. the Arverne Projects until
1967. Looking for anyone.. some names: Andy Shipiro, Mike Schulman,
Jeff Chart, Howard Wackter, Shelly Cohen, Wayne Brandt, Larry Spergel
and so many others!! Please write!! I am now living in North Carolina..
Still can't find any Knishes.
Soloway, Jay - jnmuttley2@aol.com - N. Brunswick, NJ
Sophos, William - sophosts@wavenet.com - Los Ageles, CA - Deceased, 2011
Spakoff, Eileen (Granit) - EGranit@aol.com - Weston, FL
Spivak, Pamela (D'Ambrosio) - materdear@aol.com - Alpharetta, GA - Deceased, 2008
Stein, Barbara - barbara@alumni.hamilton.edu - Arlington, VA
Sternbach, Felice (Drucker) - felice22@aol.com - North Miami Beach, FL
Stockner, Judy (Hoffman) - Judy.1025@yahoo.com - Hartsdale, NY
Susnick, Naomi (Grossman) - naomi@naomigrossman.com - Rockville Centre, NY - Updated December, 2012
Taksen, Sue (Machover) - Smach4@aol.com - New City, NY
Tarnofsky, Rona "Ronnie" (Mauro) -
roron@aol.com - Brooksville, FL http://members.aol.com/roron/index.html
- Updated March, 2015
I can't believe it took me so long to find this web site. I recently
read my yearbook you all signed and have been thinking so much about
and my '68 class lately and have found some old friends again online.
really looking for Larry Gold, my old pal. I recently got in touch with
Toby Indig and just found out Sheila Levitt is trying to get in touch
me. I'm gonna write to Debbie Cole right after I send this in. I
would really like to see a '68 class reunion for 2003 or whenever (b4 I
get too old and grumpy...lol). Is anyone else interested?? I have
everyone and am so glad there is a way to keep in touch through this
site. I was in Florida in August 2000 and just found out about the July
reunion I missed. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm married
and live in Brooklyn and my daughter will be a "teen" in December... OK
so I started late, but that's because I had to get all my partying out
of my system and THEN get to college and settle down. Please get
in touch with me. I'd love to hear from you guys.
Tepper, Sharon (Gefen) -
sharon@gefenltd.co.il - Israel
It's really great to be in touch with Far Rock alumni. Living
in Israel Far Rockaway is so far away. It's great to visit your
Website: www.sharongefen.com
Toulon, Aubretia (Edick) -
brisha98@hotmail.com - Stottville, NY
Just like everyone else here, I am so glad I found this site.
I truly wish I had my yearbook with me, but it is back in the States (I
live in Canada for now). I recognize so many of the names, but
put the faces with those names. I often tell my kids about the
I had in Rockaway, and of the beach. (My older boys don't
the beach, and my 2 youngest hadn't ever seen it). There is so
I want to say, but have so little time right now (it is after 11 pm -
old folks need our sleep. K. let's see - what can I tell
I have 4 kids, the oldest will be 31 in May, the youngest is 15.
My first 3 kids are boys, my youngest child is a girl - and she is
me the same kind of hard time I must have given my mom at that
I married shortly after high school, and like most teen marriages, it
last. On Jan 1, 1977, I moved to upstate NY, and a few years later I
for the 2nd time. After that I kept moving further north
staying in NYS) About 1 1/2 yrs. ago, I moved to Canada.
I am no longer married, but am 'attached'.) Like some others, I
I paid more attention in school, but I did try to make up for it many
later. I got an Associates degree in 1996. Aubretia
Triebwasser, Jonah - jonaht@juno.com - Red Hook, NY
Triebwasser, Wilma - triebwasserw@pennie.com - Reston, VA
Ussak, Mike -
mikeussak@gmail.com - Edison, NJ - Updated July, 2012
Living in New Jersey. Where is everyone from '68? My e-mail is ussak@optonline.net.
Where are all the great people from Arverne? This is a great site.
Wachs, Myrna - tbamboo222@aol.com - Sherman, CT
I live in a small, rural town in Connecticut (miss Rockaway Beach)
with my two great children, Eric, age 11 and Alana, age 9 and our two
in crime" cats. I'd love to hear from my old friends...especially would
like to hear from Jackie Shapiro!
Warren, Judy (Amster) -
judy.amster@gmail.com - Stamford, CT
What a wonderful trip down memory lane! I have been living in Stamford for the
past 42 years with my husband where we raised 2 beautiful daughters, one of whom
is an attorney practicing in D.C., the other the New York Regional Sales Manager
for a major wine & spirits company. I own & compete horses in the discipline of
Eventing & alas, am still actively employed as a Realtor in Fairfield County!
Haven't been back to the Rockaways in 34 years.
Warshaw, Jane - jawar123@aol.com - Aventura, FL
- Deceased, 2011
Far Rockaway, Oh Far Rockaway - I wish all children could have had
the wonderful opportunity of growing up there and way back when (in the
50s & 60s). When looking at this Web-Site, it seems as though
time has stopped - stood still. Wow! Are we lucky to have been there...
Far Rockaway was such a wonderful place to grow up and "Be From" that I
would love to hear of any reunions, especially in the S.E. Florida
I also travel to Los Angeles and Cincinnati a few times a year. I know
there our Alumni are all over the world and would like to be in contact
with as many as possible. We're great people!
Weinstock, Ellyn (Hubschman) - montaukgirl@yahoo.com - Little Neck, NY
Weiss, Enid (Tain) -
Purpledine@Aol.com - Canoga Park, CA
I am a bit of a "horse whisperer"; owned an Arabian horse for many
years. I save dogs and cats and adopt them. I have a 14 year old
married almost 20 years..work full-time.
Weiss, Laura (Cohen) - lucky636@optonline.net - Long Beach, NY - Deceased November, 2009
Wertlieb, Hillary - hilsjoy@aol.com - Atlantic Beach NY - Updated April, 2010
Wilsker, Ron - cwfolkart50@hotmail.com - Allentown, PA
Winkler, Ellen -
Winkel777@aol.com - Rego Park, NY
Retired social worker. Growing up in Arverne was the best Wonderful
Winters, Linda (Gall) - lgall1@tampabay.rr.rcom - Largo, FL
Woods, Robert - bobwlego@aol.com - Merrick, NY
Hello everyone!! Its been a very long time. I would like to hear
from old friends and catch up where our lives are now. I had no
that there was a web sight. I just found out about this great
Please let me hear from old friends.
Zacharia, Debra (Leeds) - Send Me Your Current Email Address - Melville, NY
Zeitlin, Mark - mhzeitlin@cs.com - Boca Raton, FL
Zucker, Robert -
rkzucker@comcast.net - Hillsborough, NJ
Most people know me as FOXY, so if you played ball at the P.S. 104 school yard,
drop me an e-mail.