We Hope This Note Clears Up any Confusion About Which Association Represents the Official Rockaway Beach Website and Far Rockaway High School

A number of alums have written to us recently asking if we have changed our site's name to something other than www.farrockaway.com because there is another site with a very similar name, www.farrockawayhs.com.  A couple of our alums felt duped by the invitation to join this other site when they thought we had changed our address.  After joining they contacted me and after I explained the situation, they removed their listings from the other site. 

I would never take the position where I would say "Do NOT register your information with another Rockaway web site."   If someone chooses to create an archive of names while charging a fee to provide information about other alums, it's a free country and he has every right to do this. I myself registered my information with that site.  I did so for the express purpose of contacting alums to let them know about our Rockaway web site.  I've done the same with www.classmates.com.  

We haven't changed anything; we are still the OFFICIAL site, and will continue to bring you at no cost, Rockaway news, alumni listings, memorial names and tributes, demographics, The FRHS Newsletter, and photos that you contribute to make this site the largest and most complete high school alumni association on the Internet.

If you feel as if joining many associations helps keep you in touch with friends, feel free to do so!   However, we still consider ourselves the OFFICIAL and most comprehensive Rockaway web site on the Internet, and plan to be around for many years to come.

If you have questions, please contact either me (Carol) or Skip Weinstock.

Skip Weinstock, FRHS Class of 1963
President, FRHS Online Alumni Association

Carol (Solomon) Marston, FRHS Class of 1956
Vice President, FRHS Online Alumni Association

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