


My brother-in-law, Zoe Papathomas, passed away a year ago. We were from the 1977 class.  He was an avid fisherman since we were young, and someone gave this Prayer to my sister Gerri, (his wife) and she had them printed up and passed out at the wake. Is there anyway you can put 
it on the memorial page?

Zoe was such a good person.  He bought turkeys and other food products to homes where people were just starting to get their lives together again on Thanksgiving as well as Christmas. He also chartered a boat once and took about 20 children (from the Big Brother program) fishing and paid for it himself.   When asked if they had caught anything he replied “No, but you should have seen the smiles on their faces.” 

Zoe also rescued an elderly lady from a fire on Rockaway Ave. in Oceanside.  The woman’s house caught on fire and Zoe saw it and ran in as the Fire Rescue squad in Oceanside was on their way. He was just a thoughtful, generous and all-around great person. He was also a wonderful husband to my sister Gerri and father to Thomas and Christina, and of course a great brother and son-in-law to all the Herberts.

I appreciate your time even if it cannot be done.

Thank you,

Maura (Herbert) Mirabito
