On a beautiful spring day, long time Concord American coach
Mark Prosser and his wife and Team Mom Trish, renewed their wedding vows
in front of an enthusiastic crowd of T-Ball fans and players. Mark
surprised Trish just before the beginning of the game and standing at home
plate, Concord American President Mark Lloyd began the ceremony.
President Mark: "We are all gathered
here today to celebrate the 30th year of marriage of Coach Mark and Team
Mom Trish and to help renew their marriage together. It seems fitting that
they do this at a place were they have shared so much happiness with so
many over the last 27 years. The Concord American T-ball Field."
President Mark: Coach Mark, do
you take Trish to be your Team mom and wife? It is customary to present
a symbol of your love. Mark, do you have such a symbol ? What
is it? Place the ring on her finger and repeat after me.
Coach Mark: I, Coach Mark, take
you, Trish, to be my Team Mom and wife for better or for worse, in sickness
and in health, during rain-outs and sunny spring games as long as I shall
President Mark: Team Mom Trish,
Do you take Coach Mark to be your Head Coach and husband? It is customary
to present a symbol of your love. Trish, since this is a surprise, I have
a symbol you may present. Place the jersey on Coach Mark and repeat
after me. I, Team Mom Trish, take you Mark, to be my Head Coach and
husband for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, during rain-outs
and sunny spring games as long as I shall live.
President Mark: Mark and Trish, by the
power vested in me by California District 4 Little League Baseball I pronounce
you Head Coach and Team Mom. You may kiss your Team Mom."
Click the baseball to see a slideshow of their
vow renewal