FRHS Alums...are YOU on this list?

As we get closer to completing our Rockaway alumni database, we have discovered that many of our former classmates are not listed.  From the beginning, our mission was to put together the most complete database possible.  It is for this reason that we are once again asking for your assistance.

The following five pages contain the names of FRHS alumni who
we can't reach.   The reasons we can't reach them fall into three categories.

1.  Their e-mail address has changed and our letters are being returned marked 'unable to deliver' or 'no longer using this address.'

2.  Some alumni registered but never sent us an e-mail address when they filled out the form or they never indicated their graduation year.

3.  They never had an e-mail address but were listed in the original 1997 Alumni Directory with their home address, etc.

If you know how any of these alumni can be reached, either by e-mail, home address or phone number, please let us know so we may be able to include them in our database as well as any future mailings with news about the FRHS website and the Online Alumni Association happenings.

Regardless of your graduation year, please be sure to check the  very last page where alums are listed, but without the year they would have graduated.  You may know some of them as well.

Please e-mail any information you have to Carol Marston, FRHS 1956, at my new e-mail address,  Thanks so very much for your help.





Hablitzel, Frank (Heath) 


Gentile, Lucy (Lockhart) 


Carello, Jean (Gordon)


Ettinger, Mildred (Gordonson) Found
Jaffe, Dorothy (Surtshin) 
Reisenbach, Charlotte (Wilner) 
Tachna, Ruth 


Greenblatt, Eraine (Shapiro) 


Craig, William Arthur 
Friedman, Beatrice (Solomon)
Shapiro, Belle (Brunner) 


Berzner, Irving 
Conti, Edward
Knoll, Elsie (Vollmer) 
Shapiro, Florence (Forman) 


Brown, William 
Kersh, Jack 
Klein, Melvin M. 
Richman, Helen (Harrison) 
Weyl, Alfred


Atlas, Beatrice (Levi Wellens) 
du Moulin , Edward I. 
Gyukich, Virginia (Parlo) 
Kohen, Rose (Plaxen) Found
Lucas Binder, Hattie (Gimlan)Found
Oschmann, Margaret (Polumbo)
Rothbart, Tillie (Targoff) 
Sanger, Edith (Wertheimer) 
Sokoloff, Stanley 


Goldman, Abe 
Hollander, Gertrude (Brown) Found
Kasten, Irene (Levitt) 
Kipnis, Helen (Romanofsky) 
Wolfson, Jerome "Jerry" 


Balkwill, Arthur 
Hoberman, Harry 
Landau, Alvin 
Levy, Jean "Jimmie" (Joseph) 
Marasco, Andrew  Found
Oppenheimer, Mickey (Kantrowitz) 
Oschmann, Edythe (Christie)
Powers, Eleanor (Hickey) 
Winters, Jerome 


Esh, Esther (Sternberg) 
Jacobs, Morris L. 
Weiss, Claire (Friedheim) 


Baron, Bert 
Gasch, Muriel  (Lewis) 
Hartstein, Harold 
Kramer, Milton 
Lachs, Morton 
Lewis, Robert 
Wiesenfeld, Seymour


Berkowitz, Edna (Sendach) Found
Brodie, Norman 
Cornell, Frances 
Esh, Hannah (Lowe) 
Jacobson, Harriet Betty (Bissell) 
Lesser, Helene (Rosaler) Found
Levitan, Nelson 
Marx, Leo 
May, Harold E. 
Sanders, Albert 
Schwartz, Melvin Found
Stahlman, Howard
Steinlauf, Sylvia (Weinstein) 
Stern, Charles M. 


Aries, Felix 
Bernstein, Evelyn (Trombino) 
Boggiano, Robert 
Canton, Arnold 
Cott, Bernard 
Deutsch, Marian (Zwicker) Found
Freeman, Theadora (Baron) 
Garson, Lucille 
Goldwag, Ely 
Harris, Audrey (Wiesenfeld) 
Hyman, Stanley 
Levine, Vivian (Phillips) 
Levy, Louis 
Schwartz, Arthur M. 
Seligman, Edward
Sherry, Evelyn (Ellsweig) 
Weiss, Ethel (Somberg) Found
Wright, Emma (Anthony)


Baron, Goldie (Rothenberg) Found
Butow, Dorothy (Goodman) 
Fine, Jerome
Greengard, Gloria (Weberg) Found
Johnson, Reaver (Walker) 
Margolis, Howard 
Pearlson, Edith (Zuckerman) 
Peyser, Judith (Lainhart) Found
Rosen, Shirley (Gilbert) 
Rublin, Calvin 
Schwartz, Fred 
Smith, Leona (Ramoy) Found
Stein, Madeline (Freedman) 
Sternberg, Frances (Glick) Found
Weiner, Rosalind (Brackman)
Weiss, Phyllis (Kleine) 


Bisgyer, Isabelle (Friedlieb)
Bitensky, Mickey (Waldman) Found
Burke, John "Jack" 
Casazza, Helen (Armbruster) 
Gerstein, Doris (Friedman)
Ginsburg, Herbert (Gayner)
Goldman, Robert E. 
Haanraadts, Thomas 
Hirt, Virginia "Ginny" (Funk) 
Holland, Alexander "Zander"
Kavesh, Kenneth
Kornbluth, Robert Found
Lipchansky, Norma Found
Marx, Ileen Caryl (Schoenthal) Found
Massin, Muriel (Simon)
Rakow, Jerry 
Rosengarten, Richard 
Singer, Marcia (Wachspress) Found
Soldinger, Alice (Raflo Spies) Found
Tanksley, Bayard Found
Wachspress, Morton Found
Weisman, Edward (Weston)
Winthrop, Artie 


Austern, Helen (Lichtner) Found
Beck, Mark 
Bernstein, Joan (Denenberg) 
Burns, Patricia (Canamare) 
Butow, Naomi  Lundin) 
Cohen, Selma (Holm) Found
Epstein, Fred 
Goldstein, Elaine (Schwartz) Found
Gottesman, Lorraine (Cott) 
Hicks, Elizabeth 
Jacobson, Lee (Leonore) (Ross) 
Kupferschmid, Florence (Umanoff)
Lee, Nathaniel 
Lobel, Julie (Stahlman) Found
Malin, Marion (Cohen) 
Mass, Florence (Rand) 
Mayer, Robert M. 
Pariser, Jacqueline (Leopold) 
Rosenblatt, Sheldon 
Scheuer, Sara (Berger) Found
Schwartz, Morton 
Spector Irma (Lee) 
Stecher, Minna (Schein) 
Uller, Ethel (Cherney) 
Umans, Harriet (Goldman) 
Wallman, Jeanne (Feiertag) Found
Wilsker, Jerome Found
Wolk, Rosalyn (Wilner) Found


Alexander, Charles 
Altschuler, Lillian 
Becker, Robert 
Blate, Rhoda (Mogul) Found
Bruen, Lucille (Gustafson)
Callahan, Pearl (McCargo) 
Cohen, Seymour 
Drechsler, Gladys (Jackson) Found
Dunn, Barbara (Bird)
Franklin, Julian A. 
Fuchs, Julius 
Gabelmann, Charles Found
Gottlieb, Newton 
Haberman, Ruth (Mersten)
Herbst, Daniel
Jaret, Pauline
Jayson, Irene (Goodfriend)
Karp, Herbert 
Lane, Robert
Lasser, Lucy (Salpeter) Found
Lazan, Florence (Weinrib) Found
Littman, Charlotte (Schneider) 
Nathan, Babette (Gurwitz) Found
Rich, Elaine (Katz) 
Robins, Joan (Hirsch)
Roseman, Abraham 
Rosen, George J. 
Schultheis, Sanford L. 
Schuman, Louis Found
Shane, Nathan 
Smith, Estelle (Freeman) 
Sokalner, Murray (Sanders) 
Stahlman, Samuel Found
Waldron, Julia A. 
Weil, Martin H. III 




Bilinsky, Leonore (Weiss) Found
Borowitz, Rita (Lipschutz) 
Caplan, Nanette (Knebel) Found
Donner, Dan 
Edelstein, Helen (Fink) 
Feldman, Majorie E. (Friedman) 
Fliamberg, Bob
Forer, Norman Found
Fox, Edith (Newman) 
Friedman, Robert M. 
Funk, Sherman 
Greco, Josephine J. (Miles) 
Gyori, Adele (Zipser) 
Johnson, Vilma (Byberg)
Kalmowitz, Helene (Greenberger) Found
Karol, Sidney 
Katzel, Joseph Found
Kornbluth, Martin
Lasher, Frances (Newman) 
Lief, Marilyn (Kramberg) . 
Mailman, Frances (Werner) Found 
Marcus, Sylvia (Sheinman) 
Martinez, Ralph W.
Mittleman, Phil
Pearlson, Raymond Found
Reich, Melba (Gordon) Found
Roberts, Walter 
Roth, Paul 
Rubin, Henry 
Sanger, Edward Found
Schur, Alvin
Schwartz, Victor
Sheinman, Joe 
Sherwood, Patricia (Roberts) 
Sollender, Judith (Rose) 
Sondak, Rhoda (Mehr) Found
Stark, Myron 
Tremper, Beverly (Hodes) 


Berkenfield, Alan
Bienenfeld, Annabelle (Yuval) Found
Bilon, John 
Bure, Julia (Chaber)
Casazza, Victor
Feynman, Joan
Findur, Martin 
Greenberg, Norman
Hirt, Jane (McSweeney) 
Jacobs, Stanley 
Jaffee, Doris (Lasky)
Kasdan, Louis Found
Katz, Joseph
Kavesh, Robert
Landau, Rhoda (Alexander) 
Levy, Lorraine (Brown)
Margulies, Florence (Gelman) 
Messinger, Alice (Lowenthal )
Mirkin, Allan Found
Nelson, Miriam (Rush) 
Newman, Dorothy (Rosen) 
Pordy, Doris (Meidonick) 
Rosenblum, Richard
Samuels, Paula (Langer) 
Schneider, Edith (Aron)
Schotz, Michael 
Skelly, Bill Found
Spiro, Arthur 
Wein, Robert 
Wolff, Maurice 


Allan, Alice (Colquhoun) 
Bell, Natalie (Gray)
Berger, Melvin
Berlin, Arnold 
Breth, Maxine (Rubin) Found
Brownridge, Bill 
Edelman, Howard 
Friedman, Daniel Found
Friend, Lois (Mayer) 
Goldberg, Sylvia (Shapiro) 
Groden, Ivan 
Hillman, Ruth (Silver)
Hirschfield, David 
Iger, Florence (Miller) 
Kahn, Julius 
Karol, Irving 
Leader, Maurice "Murray" 
Lesser, Burt 
Miller, Albert 
Miller, Barbara (Klein) Found
Minett, Harry P. 
Musiker, Bernice (Edelman)
Pollins, Harry
Posner, Charlotte (Hirschfield) 
Racich, Anna (Carney) 
Sacks, Sally (Spellman)
Seifer, Anita (Bruckenstein) 
Weissburg, Bette (Spero) Found


Aginsky, Bernice (Rosenman) 
Albin, Lee M.
Amster, Marilyn (Klugman) 
Cooper, Nancy (Winkler) 
Corrado, Marie 
Curtis, William Found
Faber, Rosalie (Beal) Found
Fleisher, Joyce  (Edelman) Found
Frankel, Minerva "Mickey" (Sanger) Found
Friedenreich, Carol (Pitkin) 
Gare, Ivan D. Found
Gershenson, Iris (Kahn) 
Hartman, Celia (Perdomo) 
Holzman, Marvin Found
Hull, Elyse (Ashton) 
Kaplan, Hirsch 
Kapor, David 
Kaufman, Marilyn (Schreiber) 
Kirschner, David Found
Kluger, Marilyn 
Lang, Edward
Leff, Jack 
Leshansky, Jules 
Lewis, Arnold 
Litt, Thelma (Schuman) Found
Mallis, Seymour Found
Matell, Joan (Strumwasser) 
McAleese, Robert J. 
Messer, Leonard
Messinger, Marilyn (Motzkin) Found
Nadel, Leatrice (Yelman) Found
Netter, Adele (Bendes) 
Pike, Julian Found
Radest, Howard Found
Rexer, Doris (Aries) 
Rosenblum, Robert Found
Schlesinger, Hermine (Schaffer)
Stoner, Dorothy 
Wenhold, Catharine (Kuhnsman) 
Wiederman, Francyne (Davis)
Williams, James 


Albin, Marilyn F. (Rosenblum) 
Becker, Carol (Peper) Found
Boidell, Paula
Boyland, Robert
Cavooris, George
Cohen, Gilbert 
Davis, Ruth (Bartfield) 
Davis, Sue (Wulf) Found
Domroe, Dvora (Bernstein) 
Gerstenfeld, Melvin 
Greenberg, Blanche (Silver)
Haberman, Joan (Leal) 
Hartmann, Mary 
Huber, Marcia (Spinnato) 
Jaffe, Alvin Found
Joseph, Richard A. 
Kahn, Carolyn (Krupp) 
Kaplan, Claire (Mirkin) 
Kaufman, Phyllis (Rosensweig) 
Kohn, Leonard 
Leibholz, Georgine (Cooper)
Leight, Ellen (Berger) 
Levine, Irene (Weisel) 
Lieb, Marvin 
Linder, Samuel 
Linder, Sherry 
Mailman, Charles 
Meyrowitz, Stanley 
Minkoff, Al 
Morrison, Richard
Murphy, Robert P.
Nemeth, Marilyn (Kohn) 
O'Donnell, Jack 
Olsson, Bill
Perlmutter, Joyce (Warshowsky) 
Pienkny, Laura (Zakin) 
Probolsky, Philip Found
Rapps, Renee (Stahlman) Found
Rivera, Lillian
Rubinstein, Lawrence
Samuels, Barbara (Stitzer) 
Schur, Marilyn (Howard) 
Schusterman, Leonard
Shapiro, Bert 
Shapiro, Jessica (Gribetz) 
Shusterman, Joan (Hartstein)
Slocum, Stanley 
Smith, Marian (Kasdan) Found
Surnamer, Honi (LeVine) Found
Varrone, Dorothy (Turso) 
Wengel, Sheldon 
Wilks, Eli 
Zipern, Jacqueline (Singer) Found


Angerer, Harry 
Bass, Lee 
Friend, Helene (Shimberg) 
Gandin, Elaine (Schwartz) 
Goldberg, Judy (Norton) 
Groden, Sheila (Shaw) Found
Hahn, Thelma (Friedman) Found
Hills, David Found
Jacobs, Marcia (Forgosh) Found
Kandel, Herbert Found
Karol, Robert
Katz, Lawrence 
Katz, Norman 
Kerman, Joyce
Koutures, Anna (Costea) 
Krieger, Maxwell 
Lakretz, Nina (Shapiro) Found
Leshansky, Jerry/Meryl 
Levy, Arnold 
Livingston, Ken Found
Lovin, Judy (Pollins) 
Margolies, Leah (Roland) Found
Martz, Margaret (Rocchio)
Modica, Frank Jr. 
Moss, Selig
Mott, Paul J.
Neustein, Gloria (Roth)
Nord, Doris (Minneman) Found
Oshen, Selma (Kleinman)
Pollack, Leila (Schneider)
Reese, Lilyan (Strassman) Found
Regen, Howard 
Rivkin, Judy (Feldman) Found
Rosen, Miriam (Gliboff)
Schaefer, George
Schafer, Alexander 
Schlesinger, Marilyn (Ostroff) 
Schlussel, Joseph
Shear, Marvin
Spada, Jeanette (De Rosa) 
Steierman, Roberta (Hyman) Found
Tarshis, Harvey Found
Traugot, Herbert 
Weiner, Richard (Werner)


Arledge, Joan (Genovese) 
Ascher, Robert 
Berger, Herbert 
Cameron, Phyllis (Edelman) 
Cavooris, Theodore Found
Cohen, Ted 
Edelstein, Grace (Granirer) 
Elkind, Mansfield Found
Engelhard, Bernard 
Findur, Ellen (Gruber) 
Fleischer, Jean (Mirkin) Found
Frain, John 
Goldfinger, Howard Found
Goldstein, Sylva (Meyrowitz) Found
Kasin, Billy
Kay, Arthur Found
Kobrinetz, Rita (Bassett) 
Kurz, Jules Found
Leider, Ginger (Vann) 
Levin, Helene (Haynes) 
Lewis, Martha (Wilcon) 
Lundberg, Joyce (Weldon) 
Lutrin, Howard 
March, Marlene
Marens, Ziporah (Bodek) 
Meyer, Edwin 
Miller, Don Found
Nadler, Marvin
Olsson, Jean (Hogan) 
Pancirov, Rita (Ilaria) 
Pinchut, Siegfried 
Probolsky, Helen (Lander) Found
Reiter, Diane (Fabri) 
Rosenman, Robert
Schaffer, Rita (Cohen) 
Siegel, Arthur 
Stern, Robert 
Sunshine, Morton 
Weinstock, Judy (Hirschberg) 
Weldon, Raymond 
White, Davida (Greenspan)