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Jacob Riis Park c. 1940 - Rockaway, NY  Jacob Riis Park Boardwalk c. 1950 - Rockaway, NY
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 Jacob Riis Park Bathing Pavillion c. 1937 - Rockaway, NY Jacob Riis Park Group Calisthenics c. 1934 - Rockaway, NY
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Jacob Riis Park Lifesaving Demo c. 1934 - Rockaway, NY Jacob Riis Park Lifeguards c. 1934 - Rockaway, NY
*Breezy Point c. 1967 - Breezy Point, NY (See below) Breezy Point c. 1935 - Breezy Point, NY
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Breezy Point Section c. 1939 - Rockaway Point, NY Boat Rest c. 1900 - Breezy Point, NY
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Reid's Boat Landing c. 1916 - Rockaway Point, NY Ferry, c. ? - Breezy Point/Rockaway Point, NY
Rockaway Pt. Canoe Races c. ? - Rockaway Point, NY Boat Arrival c. 1925 - Rockaway Point, NY
*Although there were various explanations floating around regarding the reason these buildings were never completed (builder ran out of funds; foundations sunk into the sand, etc.), the actual reason they were abandoned is that the Department of Defense forced the construction to halt. Apparently, the upper floors had a perfect view of the active missile silos that were situated only a few hundred yards away. Tucked away behind the old WWII bunkers, the missiles at Breezy Point were a "military secret.." From The Queens Board
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