More Photos from Gordon Freed,
Class of 1969


Top:  Jonathan Hirsch/Janice Igoe/Michael Godell/Joan Obertabessing/Donald
Cooper/Linda Klein/Robert Boylan

Next Line:  Vicki Chiprut/Harvey Schantz/Debbie Gersh/Thomas Calebrise/Marcia
Finkel/Alan Smith

Next Line:  Philip Gardner/Robin Jawmark/Paul Schur/Debbie Seigel

Next Line:  Barbara Hemberger/Gordon Freed/Angelina Capose/Johnnie Dandy/Pam
Silverman/Doris Stacy/Gerard Dunne

Bottom Line:  Mrs Botkin/Richard Browdy/Gail Morrow/Steven Chiprut/Jeanette Zaroursky/
Laurie Sandman/Larry Moore

Note. Although Steven and Vicki were both in my class, they were not twins. If I recall
correctly, Vicki's birthday was in January and
Steven's was Dec 31 of the same year: 1951!


Tommy Koenig, 1971 (with snowball in hand) Mike Fink, 1969,
Marc Freed, 1971 Gordon Freed, 1969


Gordon Freed, Marty Traum, Steve Cohen all 1969. All three of our families
celebrated the FRHS graduation at the Bounty Inn on Peninsula Blvd.


Gordon Freed in front of FRHS on Awards Night June, 1969

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