A big "thank you" to everyone who sent photos in!

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Page 5

Linda Stone Shure, Paul Rothtn.jpg
Larry Shields, Judy Silverman Amestn.jpg
Leila Miller, Lillie Kirsch Reinestn.jpg
Linda Stone Shure, 
Paul Roth
 Larry Shields, 
Judy Silverman Ames
Leila Miller, 
Lillie Kirsch Reines
Len Zuckerman, Allen Deitch, Ellis Wohlnertn.jpg
Leona Bodner Schreier, Ruth Altmantn.jpg
Lillie Kirsh Reines, Ellen Cohn Levytn.jpg
 Len Zuckerman, Allen Deitch, Ellis Wohlner
 Leona Bodner Schreier, Ruth Altman
Lillie Kirsh Reines, 
Ellen Cohn Levy
Martin Cohen, Bill Feigelman, Susan Schlosberg Needles, Paul Rothtn.jpg
Marcie Sorkin, Brenda Ceren Rosenthal, Roy Cravzow, Emily Rand Breitnertn.jpg
Leila Miller, Emily Rand Breitner, Geraldine Michaelis Gilletn.jpg
 Martin Cohen, 
Bill Feigelman, Susan Schlosberg Needles, 
Paul Roth
 Marcy Sorkin, 
Brenda Ceren Rosenthal, Roy Cravzow, 
Emily Rand Breitner
 Leila Miller, Emily Rand Breitner, Geraldine Michaelis Gillen
Nick and Janet Papouchis, Ken and Sheila Handel,Paul and Ellen Rothtn.jpg
Wanda Switalski, Roy Cravzowtn.jpg
Noah Fisch, Irene Steinberg Shapiro, Eva Seplow Agosta, Lucille Crovella Moskowitztn.jpg
 Nick & Janet Papouchis, Ken & Sheila Handel,
Paul & Ellen Roth
 Wanda Switalski, 
Roy Cravzow
Noah Fisch, Irene Steinberg Shapiro, Eva Seplow Agosta, Lucille Crovella Moskowitz
Nick and Janet Papouchistn.jpg
Marty Moskowitztn.jpg
Paulette Brill, Lorraine Gold, Gus Markdestn.jpg
 Nick & Janet 
 Marty Moskowitz
 Paulette Brill, Lorraine Gold, Gus Markdes
Rachelle Lustig Rubenstein, Joe DiResta, Marcy Sorkintn.jpg
Rachelle Lustig Rubinstein, Bill Feigelman, Ruth Altmantn.jpg
Rick Liebling, George Vallasi and Carol Loeb Kandalltn.jpg
 Rachelle Lustig Rubenstein, Joe DiResta, Marcy Sorkin
 Rachelle Lustig Rubinstein, Bill Feigelman, Ruth Altman
 Rick Liebling, 
George Vallasi 
& Carol Loeb Kandall


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