Far Rockaway High School
Classes of 1955 and 1956
49th and 50th Year Reunion Photos

June 10, 2005
Lawrence Village Country Club - Lawrence, NY

The night was fabulous, nobody wanted to leave, and the main complaint was it should have been 3 days.
I tried to make a short speech but with no success. Everybody was busy hugging and kissing, and refused
to be stopped.  Someone wrote to me,"The time we all had back then caused us, in part, to become who
we are today. Thank you for giving us that night." I won't wait ten years to do another one....way too long.

Let's hope that in 5 years we will all be together again.  Thanks for all your appreciation and it was a labor
of love.

 Love, Cookie

Click a photo to see a larger version.

#1 Cookie Upbin Hoffner
(Poster was a surprise gift to Cookie
from Maxine Hochen Reiss)
#2 Cookie & Maxine Hochen Reiss
Cookie_&_Maxine_Hochen_Reisstn.jpg FRHSReunion1-Buzzy_&_Cookie_(Upbin)_Hoffnertn.jpg
#3 Cookie & Maxine Hochen Reiss #4 Buzzy & Cookie Upbin Hoffner
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#5 Hazel Spierman Davis, Sheila Weinstock 
Kreinces,Joan Lieberman Gotlib, Vivian 
Gertzkis Maskin,Carol Solomon Marston, 
Cookie Upbin Hoffner, Sandy Bernstein Guttentag, 
Barbara Hohauser Lipsky,  Barbara Renner 
Gilbert,  Michael Herzog
#6 Standing: Alan Kirshner, Cookie, Helen 
Sugarman Presberg, Roy Lakretz, Maxine 
Hochen Reiss
Seated:  Evie Rosen, Judy Morse Wortman, 
Sonia Ochs, Bea Parides
Ken_Hall-Marty_Silver-Sue_Storch-Dale_Silvertn.jpg coach_kerchman-don_lentnektn.jpg
#7Arlene Klamkin, Ken Hall, Marty Silver, Sue Storch, 
Dale Silver
#8 Coach Jack Kerchman & 
Donald Lentnek
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#9 Dale Silver, Ken Hall, Stuart Gamerov #10 Phoebe Dorin & Dan Valenti
FRHSreunion4-Bob_McShane_&_Dick_Boyletn.jpg FRHSreunion8-Sandy_Bernstein_Guttentag_&_Howard_Guttentagtn2.jpg
#11 Bob McShane & Dick Boyle #12 Sandy (Bernstein) & Howard Guttentag
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#13 Steve Emanuel #14 Barbara Lehrer Banchik & Bob Nussbaum
FRHSreunion2-Dan_&_Barbara_(Schoenbaum)_Valenti-Jean_(Schoenbaum)_&_Bob_Bowentn.jpg FRHSreunion7-Dan_Valenti-Myrna_Brier-Bob_McShanetn.jpg
#15 Dan & Barbara Shoenbaum Valenti,
Jean Shoenbaum Bowen & Bob Bowen
#16 Dan Valenti, Myrna Brier, Bob McShane

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