Beach 37th Street Remembered

I was a summer resident on 37th street for years. I remember Budney's, Rabinowitz's, Lilttle Israel. My name then was Marsha Silverman and I have a bother Barry and a Sister Gail. We lived in 2 bungalows in the middle of the block. I remember the rooming houses, Abby's, Sarrets, and Ratskins. We hung out with Kenny Newman, Willie, And a guy we all called Bolla. Several years ago I contributed some old films of 37th street to WLIW for the series called, "New York The Way it Was , Wish You Were Here". It was shown many times on the PBS Channels. All the Rockaway film was taken by my Uncle Ben Loew who lived in the bungalow in front of ours. I have been trying to find pictures of the boardwald between 38th street and 29th. Looking for pictures of Fabers, Jerry's knishes, Sally's Pizza, Meyers, Fascination, Slurp Slurp, the Penn Arcade and the Leaky old movie Theater that we went to when it rained. I guess the older I get the more I long to see photos of the place that I loved best. Being a kid out in Rockaway in the summer was the greatest experience of my life.

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